Is aviation dying

How many people die on commercial planes a year?

As recently as 2005, there were 1,015 deaths aboard commercial passenger flights worldwide, the Aviation Safety Network (ASN) said

Over the last five years, there have been an average of 14 fatal accidents for commercial passenger and cargo planes resulting in 345 deaths annually, ASN said

Is general aviation dying?

Over the past few months, I have talked to a number of people that have told me that general aviation is dying and would eventually all but disappear

They blame the FAA, a decline in military pilot training programs, and competing activities (video games)

But the reality is that general aviation is actually experiencing a massive resurgence

I believe the information that you are looking for can be found in this AOPA Report. Basically aviation is on a rebound. The report compares availa...Best answer · 3

Not according to Boeing. They see a need for over 40,000+ new aircraft over the next 20 years. Ranting aside, it might be a good idea to think abo...2

,The first positive development for general aviation is a change in migration patterns within the US. Some of this is overblown (“eve…


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