Banking law recent cases

  • What are the banking reforms in India 2023?

    Merger and Consolidation: Encouraging the merger and consolidation of public sector banks was another significant aspect of the reforms.
    This strategy aimed to create stronger and more efficient banks, enhancing operational efficiency, reducing costs, and meeting capital requirements more effectively..

  • What is the Banking Regulation Amendment Act 2012?

    December 21, 2012
    This Bill would strengthen the regulatory powers of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and to further develop the banking sector in India.
    It will also enable the nationalized banks to raise capital by issue of preference shares or rights issue or issue of bonus shares..

  • What is the landmark judgment on banking law in India?

    United Bank of India v.
    Naresh Kumar & Ors. (2014): In this case, the Supreme Court held that banks have the power to initiate insolvency proceedings against their borrowers under the provisions of the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002..

  • What is the major problem that all the banks are facing?

    Regulatory Changes
    One of the biggest challenges facing the banking industry is regulatory changes.
    Banks must comply with various regulations, from anti-money laundering (AML) to data protection laws.
    Keeping up with these changes can be a time-consuming and costly process, which can impact the profitability of banks..

  • What is the relationship between banker and customer in banking law?

    The customer becomes a pledger and the bank is pledgee.
    The security of the customer will remain in the custody of the bank until the person repays the money from the loan taken by him from the bank.
    The relationship between a banker and a customer can also be understood as a pledgee and a pledger..

  • Who is a customer in banking law?

    What does Customer of a bank mean? A customer is a person who has an account with a bank or has a relationship with the banker even though he has no account with the bank..

  • E-banking is an arrangement between a bank or a financial institution and its customers that enables encrypted transactions over the internet.
    Short for electronic banking, E-banking has various types that cater to customers' different requirements, which can be resolved online.
  • The bank-customer relationship, being a contractual bond, may terminate via agreement or consent, notice of termination, death or dissolution of one of the parties, sequestration, insanity of the customer, and the natural effluxion of time.
  • The customer becomes a pledger and the bank is pledgee.
    The security of the customer will remain in the custody of the bank until the person repays the money from the loan taken by him from the bank.
    The relationship between a banker and a customer can also be understood as a pledgee and a pledger.
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Can a bank dispute be settled?

Clearly, whether a dispute is settleddepends on the particular circumstances of that claim

Nevertheless, the starting point for risk evaluation and management by a bank receiving a claim form is that just over three-quarters of claims will not reach final judgment

For a mis-selling case, the chance of settlement is higher

Did bank employees open a bank account without a quota?

Under pressure to meet sales quotas, bank employees opened millions of savings and checking accounts in the names of actual customers, without their knowledge or consent

Since the fraud became public in 2016, the bank has faced a torrent of lawsuits

How many banking and finance cases are resolved a year?

In fact, over the last few years, the number of important banking and finance cases has remained relatively stable, within a range of approximately 80 to 100 cases

Given the average duration of eighteen months set out above, it follows that about50 to 60 cases per year are resolved and are replaced by new cases

How will Brexit affect banking & finance litigation?

Of course, Brexit can only be one factor in the overall volume of litigation

Fallout from the financial crisis, the state of the economy and the impact of regulation will all impact thescale and nature of important banking and finance cases litigated in the English courts

The separation of investment and retail banking aims to protect the utility aspects of day-to-day banking from being endangered by losses sustained by higher-risk investment activities.
This can take the form of a two-tier structure in which a company is banned from doing both activities, or enforcing a legal ring-fence between two divisions of a company.
Banks have resisted this separation saying that it increases costs for consumers.
The separation of investment and retail banking aims to protect the utility aspects of day-to-day banking from being endangered by losses sustained by higher-risk investment activities.
This can take the form of a two-tier structure in which a company is banned from doing both activities, or enforcing a legal ring-fence between two divisions of a company.
Banks have resisted this separation saying that it increases costs for consumers.


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