Banking law singapore

  • How are banks regulated in Singapore?

    MAS regulates and supervises over 150 deposit-taking institutions in Singapore, including full banks, wholesale banks, merchant banks and finance companies.
    Credit card and charge card issuers in Singapore are governed by the Banking Act ..

  • What is the banking Act 1970 in Singapore?

    Governs the licensing and regulation of banks, merchant banks and related institutions, including their credit card and charge card business..

  • What is the banking Act in Singapore?

    The Banking Act (“BA”) primarily governs the licensing and regulation of banking business in Singapore.
    In this connection, no banking business can be carried out in Singapore except by a company with a valid licence and the contravention of this requirement attracts criminal responsibility: see s 4 of the BA..

  • What is the banking Act s47 in Singapore?

    Section 47 of the Act provides that customer information shall not, in any way, be disclosed by a bank (holding a valid banking licence in Singapore or the branches and offices located within Singapore of such a bank incorporated outside Singapore) or its officers to any other person except as expressly provided in the .

  • What is the banking regulation Act Singapore?

    Section 47 of the Act provides that customer information shall not, in any way, be disclosed by a bank (holding a valid banking licence in Singapore or the branches and offices located within Singapore of such a bank incorporated outside Singapore) or its officers to any other person except as expressly provided in the .

  • What is the s47 banking Act Singapore?

    Section 47 of the Act provides that customer information shall not, in any way, be disclosed by a bank (holding a valid banking licence in Singapore or the branches and offices located within Singapore of such a bank incorporated outside Singapore) or its officers to any other person except as expressly provided in the .

  • When was the banking regulation Act?

    The Banking Act provides for various conduct requirements applicable to banks and merchant banks.
    These include the: Regulation of interest rates payable to or by merchant banks.
    MAS' power to make recommendations in respect of loans, advances or investments (including the purposes of which they may be granted).Mar 1, 2023.

  • Who governs banks in Singapore?

    MAS is the integrated regulator and supervisor of financial institutions in Singapore.
    MAS establishes rules for financial institutions which are implemented through legislation, regulations, directions and notices..

  • Why choose Bank of Singapore?

    At Bank of Singapore, Asian values and bespoke innovative solutions are the foundations for our success.
    Values like prudence, loyalty, humility and diligence are at the core of everything we do..

  • Governs the licensing and regulation of banks, merchant banks and related institutions, including their credit card and charge card business.
  • Section 47 of the Act provides that customer information shall not, in any way, be disclosed by a bank (holding a valid banking licence in Singapore or the branches and offices located within Singapore of such a bank incorporated outside Singapore) or its officers to any other person except as expressly provided in the
  • The Bank's exposure to real estate in Singapore is regulated under Section 35 of the Banking Act which limits such exposure to not more than 35% of its total eligible loan assets.
1 In Singapore, the laws regulating banking are found in the relevant Acts passed by Parliament (and their related subsidiary legislation), the common law and 
Mar 1, 2023The main restriction on business of merchant banks is that they cannot generally accept or solicit deposits or raise money in Singapore dollars.
The Banking Act (“BA”) primarily governs the licensing and regulation of banking business in Singapore. In this connection, no banking business can be carried out in Singapore except by a company with a valid licence and the contravention of this requirement attracts criminal responsibility: see s 4 of the BA.
The Banking Act 1970 (“Banking Act”), together with its subsidiary legislation, including the Banking Regulations (“Banking Regulations”) and the Banking (Corporate Governance) Regulations (“CG Regulations”), is the primary legislation governing the licensing and regulation of the businesses of banks in Singapore.
Merchant banks are generally prohibited from soliciting or accepting deposits in Singapore dollars, and raising money in Singapore (e.g. by issuing promissory 
Singapore has in place an anti-commingling policy to segregate financial and non-financial businesses (“NFBs”) of banks in Singapore – banks in Singapore are 
Singapore-licensed banks and merchant banks come within the ambit of the Banking Act 1970 (Banking Act) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore Act 1970 (MAS Act).
The Banking Act 1970 (“Banking Act”), together with its subsidiary legislation, including the Banking Regulations (“Banking Regulations”) and the Banking (Corporate Governance) Regulations (“CG Regulations”), is the primary legislation governing the licensing and regulation of the businesses of banks in Singapore.

Can a bank transfer a business in Singapore?

(1A) A transferor musttransfer the whole or any part of its banking business in Singapore to a company incorporated by the bank or its parent bank under the Companies Act 1967 for the purpose of carrying on that business or that part of the business, if — (a) itisdirectedbytheAuthorityundersection55BAtodoso; and 133 Banking Act 19702020 Ed

What are Singapore-licensed banks & merchant banks?

Singapore-licensed banks and merchant banks come within the ambit of the Banking Act 1970 (Banking Act) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore Act 1970 (MAS Act)

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), as the integrated regulator and supervisor of the financial services sector, supervises and regulates banks and their operations

What is banking law in Singapore?



1 In Singapore, the laws regulating banking are found in the relevant Acts passed by Parliament (and their related subsidiary legislation), the common law and principles and rules of equity

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2 The common law and principles and rules of equity are derived from case law

What is banking privacy in Singapore?

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1 In Singapore, the relationship between banker and customer is largely governed by the common law

However, in certain matters, the most notable of which is banking privacy, the Banking Act applies

A bank’s duty of privacy in Singapore is more extensively discussed later in this paper

Banking law singapore
Banking law singapore
Heritage trees in Singapore are individual mature trees specially selected for protection by law under the Heritage Trees Scheme adopted on 17 August 2001.
Implemented at the same time as the Heritage Roads scheme, it is part of a nationwide drive in tree conservation efforts not just within nature reserves, parks, and newly established tree conservation areas, but also anywhere else in the urban and rural environment of Singapore.
Heritage trees in Singapore are individual mature trees specially

Heritage trees in Singapore are individual mature trees specially

Heritage trees in Singapore are individual mature trees specially selected for protection by law under the Heritage Trees Scheme adopted on 17 August 2001.
Implemented at the same time as the Heritage Roads scheme, it is part of a nationwide drive in tree conservation efforts not just within nature reserves, parks, and newly established tree conservation areas, but also anywhere else in the urban and rural environment of Singapore.


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