Benchmarking used in a sentence

  • How are benchmarks used?

    A benchmark is a standard against which something is compared.
    Investors use benchmarks to measure the performance of securities, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, portfolios, or other investment instruments..

  • How do you use benchmarking in a sentence?

    The company specializes in wireless network benchmarking, analysis, and testing.
    Measure of innovation for organizations can be conducted by surveys, workshops, consultants, or internal benchmarking..

  • What does benchmark mean in sentence?

    or bench mark
    a standard of excellence, achievement, etc., against which similar things must be measured or judged: The new hotel is a benchmark in opulence and comfort. any standard or reference by which others can be measured or judged: The current price for crude oil may become the benchmark..

  • What is benchmarking What are the different types of benchmarking explain with some examples?

    There are four main types of benchmarking: internal, external, performance, and practice. 1.
    Performance benchmarking involves gathering and comparing quantitative data (i.e., measures or key performance indicators).
    Performance benchmarking is usually the first step organizations take to identify performance gaps..

  • What is the use of the word benchmark?

    Meaning of benchmark in English. a level of quality that can be used as a standard when comparing other things: Her outstanding performances set a new benchmark for singers throughout the world..

  • What situations would you use benchmarking?

    These benchmarks can be comparing processes, products or operations, and the comparisons can be against other parts of the business, external companies (such as competitors) or industry best practises.
    Benchmarking is commonly used to compare customer satisfaction, costs and quality..

The company specializes in wireless network benchmarking, analysis, and testing. Measure of innovation for organizations can be conducted by surveys, workshops, consultants, or internal benchmarking.
The survey tracks 16 vertical markets to serve as a benchmarking tool for companies. The company specializes in wireless network benchmarking, analysis, and testing. Measure of innovation for organizations can be conducted by surveys, workshops, consultants, or internal benchmarking.
Benchmarking for Best practice is a valuable reference tool, a treasure trove of best practice exemplars. 0. 0.
The survey tracks 16 vertical markets to serve as a benchmarking tool for companies. The company specializes in wireless network benchmarking, analysis, and testing. Measure of innovation for organizations can be conducted by surveys, workshops, consultants, or internal benchmarking.
Benchmarking used in a sentence
Benchmarking used in a sentence

Corporal punishment

Caning is a widely used form of corporal punishment in Singapore.
It can be divided into several contexts: judicial, prison, reformatory, military, school and domestic.
These practices of caning as punishment were introduced during the period of British colonial rule in Singapore.
Similar forms of corporal punishment are also used in some other former British colonies, including two of Singapore's neighbouring countries, Malaysia and Brunei.
Life imprisonment is a legal penalty in Singapore

Life imprisonment is a legal penalty in Singapore

Legal punishment in Singapore

Life imprisonment is a legal penalty in Singapore.
This sentence is applicable for more than forty offences under Singapore law, such as culpable homicide not amounting to murder, attempted murder, kidnapping by ransom, criminal breach of trust by a public servant, voluntarily causing grievous hurt with dangerous weapons, and trafficking of firearms, in addition to caning or a fine for certain offences that warrant life imprisonment.
Caning is a widely used form of corporal punishment in Singapore

Caning is a widely used form of corporal punishment in Singapore

Corporal punishment

Caning is a widely used form of corporal punishment in Singapore.
It can be divided into several contexts: judicial, prison, reformatory, military, school and domestic.
These practices of caning as punishment were introduced during the period of British colonial rule in Singapore.
Similar forms of corporal punishment are also used in some other former British colonies, including two of Singapore's neighbouring countries, Malaysia and Brunei.
Life imprisonment is a legal penalty in Singapore

Life imprisonment is a legal penalty in Singapore

Legal punishment in Singapore

Life imprisonment is a legal penalty in Singapore.
This sentence is applicable for more than forty offences under Singapore law, such as culpable homicide not amounting to murder, attempted murder, kidnapping by ransom, criminal breach of trust by a public servant, voluntarily causing grievous hurt with dangerous weapons, and trafficking of firearms, in addition to caning or a fine for certain offences that warrant life imprisonment.


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