Benchmark learning tutoring

  • How popular is online tutoring?

    In recent years, online tutoring has gained immense popularity, particularly due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    The concept of virtual classrooms and remote learning has become increasingly relevant in the current scenario, and online tutoring has been an integral part of it..

  • Why are tutors effective?

    Tutoring can help strengthen subject comprehension, boost confidence, and build important learning skills.
    Tutoring gives students individualized attention that they don't get in a crowded classroom.
    This helps children who struggle to keep up, as well as those who aren't challenged enough..

  • As you've seen, there are advantages and disadvantages to online tutoring.
    However, many parents and students find that online tutoring provides numerous benefits over in-person tutoring, with the added convenience, lower cost, and greater selection of tutors.
  • Consider scheduling at least two sessions per week, both of them anywhere from one to two hours each.
    This will ensure that your student receives the assistance they need.
    Tutors can function as teachers, so you can ask them to teach your child's curriculum.
  • Online tutoring can be a highly effective tool for students of all ages.
    Whereas traditional, in-person tutoring sessions typically take place in a controlled setting, with one student and one tutor working together at a desk, online tutoring allows for much more flexibility.

U.S. nonprofit organization

Innovations for Learning is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the literacy of children attending under-resourced schools.
It has stated it is grounded in the belief that learning to read is a basic civil right with the power to transform lives.
Founded by Seth Weinberger in 1993, the philanthropically supported initiative has focused on beginning reading among the poorest children.

UK professional body

The Institute for Learning (IfL) was a voluntary membership, UK professional body.
It ceased operating on 31 October 2014.
Although precise membership figures and statistical details had been removed from IfL's webpage prior to its closure, at the end of financial year 2013-2014 IfL were reported as having only 33,500 of their 200,000 members remaining.

Learning crisis in developing countries

The learning crisis or global learning crisis is a term describing the fact that, despite a large increase in access to schooling, learning outcomes remain poor, especially in developing countries.
Worldwide, millions of children who attend school do not acquire basic skills such as literacy and numeracy, and many more are far behind age-appropriate expectations in their national curricula.
Proponents argue that this crisis needs to be addressed due to the importance of education in fostering children's development, social mobility, and subsequent opportunities.

U.S. nonprofit organization

Innovations for Learning is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the literacy of children attending under-resourced schools.
It has stated it is grounded in the belief that learning to read is a basic civil right with the power to transform lives.
Founded by Seth Weinberger in 1993, the philanthropically supported initiative has focused on beginning reading among the poorest children.

UK professional body

The Institute for Learning (IfL) was a voluntary membership, UK professional body.
It ceased operating on 31 October 2014.
Although precise membership figures and statistical details had been removed from IfL's webpage prior to its closure, at the end of financial year 2013-2014 IfL were reported as having only 33,500 of their 200,000 members remaining.

Learning crisis in developing countries

The learning crisis or global learning crisis is a term describing the fact that, despite a large increase in access to schooling, learning outcomes remain poor, especially in developing countries.
Worldwide, millions of children who attend school do not acquire basic skills such as literacy and numeracy, and many more are far behind age-appropriate expectations in their national curricula.
Proponents argue that this crisis needs to be addressed due to the importance of education in fostering children's development, social mobility, and subsequent opportunities.


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