Asian bioethics association

  • What is the impact factor of the Asian Bioethics Review?

    The latest impact index of the Asian Bioethics Review is 3.25.
    It's evaluated in the year 2022.
    The highest and the lowest impact index or impact score of this journal are 3.25 (2022) and 0.00 (2015), respectively, in the last 8 years.
    Moreover, its average IS is 0.95 in the previous 8 years..

  • In 1995 EJAIB replaced the Eubios Ethics Institute Newsletter, which is also on-line (1990-1994): EEIN.
    The Format of the printed issues of EJAIB are 32-80 pages per issue, A4 format.
    Language: English.
    Frequency: Bimonthly (in January, March, May, July, September, November).
The basic objective of the Association is to promote scientific research in bioethics in Asia through open and international exchanges of ideas among those working in bioethics in various fields of study and different regions of the world.

Is Asian Bioethics Conference postponed to 2022?

The22nd Asian Bioethics Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is postponed to 2022.
The dates will be confirmed as soon as the COVID-19 related travel restrictions are clear.
Vice President for Asian Ethnic and Religious Minorities:

  • Prof.
    Hasan Erbay, Turkey Vice President for China:
  • Prof. (Ms.) Cong Yali .
  • What is a Bioethics Association?

    Asia is the regions, peoples, and cultures which constitute the geographically largest continent of the world.
    The basic objective of the Association is to promote scientific research in bioethics in Asia through open and international exchanges of ideas among those working in bioethics in various fields of study and different regions of the world.

    What is Asian Bioethics Review?

    Asian Bioethics Review (ABR) is an international academic journal, based in Asia, providing a forum to express and exchange original ideas on all aspects of bioethics, especially those relevant to the region.

    What is the role of Bioethics Committees in the Philippines?

    Bioethics Committees Bioethics committees have had a prominent role in the development of bioethics in the Philippines.
    There is not a single national bioethics committee that covers various areas of ethical concern.
    Instead, there are several that have a national scope.
    There are also other bioethics committees whose mandate is institutional.

    Presidents of the American Psychiatric Association

    Presidents of the American Psychiatric Association


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