Bioinformatics nextflow

  • Does Nextflow work on Windows?

    Nextflow can also be run on Windows through WSL.
    We recommend that you install Java through SDKMAN, and that you use the latest LTS version of Corretto or Temurin.
    See this website for more information..

  • How does Nextflow work?

    Nextflow keeps track of all the processes executed in your workflow.
    If you modify some parts of your script, only the processes that are changed will be re-executed.
    The execution of the processes that are not changed will be skipped and the cached result will be used instead..

  • What are the benefits of Nextflow?

    Nextflow enables scalable and reproducible scientific workflows using software containers.
    It allows the adaptation of pipelines written in the most common scripting languages..

  • What is better Nextflow or Snakemake?

    Nextflow, like Snakemake, supports both incremental build and re-entrancy, via a “resume” option.
    Conditional execution of steps is supported via a “when” declaration.
    Unlike Snakemake, it is not possible to specify the exact files to build, which can make debugging more challenging..

  • What is Nextflow in bioinformatics?

    Nextflow is a workflow framework that can be used by a bioinformatician to integrate all of her/his/their bash/python/perl/other scripts into a one cohesive pipeline that are portable, reproducible, scalable and checkpointed..

  • What is the difference between airflow and nextflow?

    Nextflow focuses on the creation of fast, iterable pipelines with extensive logs and error handling.
    Airflow directs its attention to managing those pipelines in a more robust manner and controlling the environment in which those pipelines are run..

  • Why should I use Nextflow?

    In nextflow, all of the processes and tasks are inherently parallel and allows the user to scale-up or scale-out without having to configure or adapt platform specific architecture..

  • A bioinformatics pipeline is a set of connected algorithms (or blocks) that are executed in a predefined order to process and analyze next-generation sequencing (NGS) data locally or in cluster environments.
  • Data-driven computational pipelines.
    Nextflow enables scalable and reproducible scientific workflows using software containers.
    It allows the adaptation of pipelines written in the most common scripting languages.
  • Nextflow enables scalable and reproducible scientific workflows using software containers.
    It allows the adaptation of pipelines written in the most common scripting languages.
  • Nextflow focuses on the creation of fast, iterable pipelines with extensive logs and error handling.
    Airflow directs its attention to managing those pipelines in a more robust manner and controlling the environment in which those pipelines are run.
  • Nextflow is a reactive workflow framework and a programming DSL that eases the writing of data-intensive computational pipelines.
    It is designed around the idea that the Linux platform is the lingua franca of data science.
  • Nextflow keeps track of all the processes executed in your workflow.
    If you modify some parts of your script, only the processes that are changed will be re-executed.
    The execution of the processes that are not changed will be skipped and the cached result will be used instead.
Here is a more comprehensive structure of the files generated. The key here is that all of the processes are run in the work directory and are given unique hash  IntroductionRunning a nextflow workflownextflow runnextflow pull command
Nextflow is a workflow framework that can be used by a bioinformatician to integrate all of her/his/their bash/python/perl/other scripts into a one cohesive pipeline that are portable, reproducible, scalable and checkpointed.
Nextflow is a workflow framework that can be used by a bioinformatician to integrate all of her/his/their bash/python/perl/other scripts into a one cohesive pipeline that are portable, reproducible, scalable and checkpointed.
Nextflow is a workflow framework that can be used by a bioinformatician to integrate all of her/his/their bash/python/perl/other scripts into a one cohesive  IntroductionRunning a nextflow workflownextflow runnextflow pull command

Are bioinformatics workflows bridging the divide between user interface friendliness and expressiveness?

An optimistic trend for bioinformatics workflows is more attention being paid towards bridging the divide between user interface friendliness and expressiveness.


If you use Nextflow in your work, please cite:


You can post questions and get help in the Nextflow community forum or the Nextflow Slack.
Bugs and feature requests should be reported as GitHub issues.


Contributions are more than welcome.
See the CONTRIBUTING file for details.


The Nextflow documentation is available for the latest stable and edge releases.

How to use genome in nextflow?

1 nextflow run --genome input.fasta --query input.fasta Test it with your own data.
When you do, don’t forget to set the --chunkSizeand --threads 5) Add --genometo help usage statement to The first thing we see in main.nfis the help usage function.
Let’s go ahead and add the following line to it so it is complete. 1 .


Nextflow is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
Nextflow is a registered trademark.


"Dataflow variables are spectacularly expressive in concurrent programming"

Quick start

Install Nextflow with a single command:

What is nextflow based on?

Nature Biotechnology 35, 316–319 (2017) doi:

  • 10.
  • 1038/nbt.3820 Nextflow is built on two *great* open-source software projects, Groovy and GPars.
    YourKit is kindly supporting Nextflow with its fully-featured Java Profiler.
    A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines.
  • Open-Source Workflow Management Platform

    Nextflow is a scientific workflow system predominantly used for bioinformatic data analyses.
    It imposes standards on how to programmatically author a sequence of dependent compute steps and enables their execution on various local and cloud resources.
    Nextflow was conceived at the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, but has since found world-wide adoption in biomedical and genomics research facilities and laboratories.

    Open-Source Workflow Management Platform

    Nextflow is a scientific workflow system predominantly used for bioinformatic data analyses.
    It imposes standards on how to programmatically author a sequence of dependent compute steps and enables their execution on various local and cloud resources.
    Nextflow was conceived at the Centre for Genomic Regulation in Barcelona, Spain, but has since found world-wide adoption in biomedical and genomics research facilities and laboratories.


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