Bioinformatics wehi

  • What is new in bioinformatics?

    New AI tool could aid in the diagnosis of enigmatic rare diseases.
    An innovative AI-based tool leverages varied symptom descriptions, along with evidence from the scientific literature and genomic datasets, to pinpoint disease-associated gene variants..

  • Bioinformatics 2023 – Key Predictions
    This year, our bioinformaticians predict single-cell sequencing technologies will become even more popular.
    In particular, our team predict an increase in analyses of existing single-cell data which is accessible from public databases and repositories.
  • Bioinformatics is widely applied in the examination of Genomics, Proteomics, 3D structure modelling of Proteins, Image analysis, Drug designing and a lot more.
Our bioinformaticians are: Revealing the changes in molecules and cells that cause disease. Developing new methods to analyse complex experimental data, 
What is bioinformatics? Bioinformatics uses mathematics, statistics and computer science to analyse complex biological systems. A single cell contains thousands of molecules that are essential to the healthy functioning and development of the cell. Changes in these molecules can influence how cells behave.


ELDA: Extreme Limiting Dilution Analysis Fit single-hit model to a dilution series using complementary log-log binomial regression.
Compare Groups of Growth Curves Compare Groups of Growth Curves performs a permutation test of the difference between two groups of growth curves.
It calculates all pairwise comparisons between two or more groups of gr.

Gene Mapping and Linkage

Linkdatagen *updated July 2011* Performs QC and generates output formats from many common Affymetrix and Illumina SNP chips, as well as NGS/MPS data.
Output formats include MERLIN, ALLEGRO, PLINK, MORGAN, FEstim and PREST.
Different HAPMAP populations can be chosen as the source of marker allele frequencies.
XIBD *updated Oct 2015* XIBD (X chromoso.


LIMMA An R Library for Linear Models for Microarray Data.
Uses linear models for analysing designed microarray experiments and for assessing differential expression.
MSigDB Gene Sets Pure mouse and pure human versions of the MSigDB gene set collections as R lists.
Gender Gene Sets R version of the Gender gene sets. statmod An R Library for Statisti.

Next-Gen Sequencing

edgeR An R package (empirical analysis of digital gene expression in R) for differential expression (DE) analysis of count data e.g. digital gene expression such as RNA-seq or SAGE data.
GOseq An R library for performing Gene Ontology (GO) and other category based tests on RNA-seq data, which corrects for selection bias.
Subread and Subjunc (R vers.

Bioinformatics wehi
Bioinformatics wehi

Medical research institute in Victoria, Australia

WEHI, previously known as the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, and as the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, is Australia's oldest medical research institute.
Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet, who won the Nobel Prize in 1960 for his work in immunology, was director from 1944 to 1965.
Burnet developed the ideas of clonal selection and acquired immune tolerance.
Later, Professor Donald Metcalf discovered and characterised colony-stimulating factors.
As of 2015, the institute hosted more than 750 researchers who work to understand, prevent and treat diseases including blood, breast and ovarian cancers; inflammatory diseases (autoimmunity) such as rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease; and infectious diseases such as malaria, HIV and hepatitis B and C.


Medical research institute in Victoria, Australia

WEHI, previously known as the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, and as the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, is Australia's oldest medical research institute.
Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet, who won the Nobel Prize in 1960 for his work in immunology, was director from 1944 to 1965.
Burnet developed the ideas of clonal selection and acquired immune tolerance.
Later, Professor Donald Metcalf discovered and characterised colony-stimulating factors.
As of 2015, the institute hosted more than 750 researchers who work to understand, prevent and treat diseases including blood, breast and ovarian cancers; inflammatory diseases (autoimmunity) such as rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease; and infectious diseases such as malaria, HIV and hepatitis B and C.


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