Install LanGuide APK on Android phone Contents

Gestion des applications pour Android - VMware Workspace ONE

héberger le fichier application. apk en tant que fichier local. Cette option s'applique uniquement aux terminaux Android 6.0 et versions ultérieures.
WS Application Management for Android Doc

Chapitre 10 Publier son application

Avant la version « 3.2 » d'Android Studio le développeur devait générer une version du fichier « APK » pour les différentes variantes de son application 
C Publier P

Install LanGuide APK on Android phone Contents

Figur 1 - Find the APK file in the notification bar. Page 3. 2.1.2. For security reasons unknown apps might not be allowed to be.
Installation guide LanGuide APK on Android phone


This mean for android store any layout. Download Gestion de stock 301 Apk file 049Mb for Android with system link Free Productivity Application.
application gestion de stock android

CCM_Ajouter une app

d'application sur Android. Certains éditeurs laissent leurs apk en libre téléchargement sur leur site. Je peux installer l'apk* via le MDM ou le Manager.
ccm ajouter une app

Application Management for Android - VMware Workspace ONE UEM

application .apk file as a local file. This option applies to Android 6.0+ devices only. You can use Workspace ONE UEM features to apply policies to the 
WS Application Management for Android Doc

SeSoa: Security Enhancement System with Online Authentication for

22 jui. 2016 Android application package (APK) can be automatically encrypted. The encrypted code is loaded and run in the Android system.

THEME : « Développement d'une application Androïd pour la

31 oct. 2013 apk (extension des applications Androïd). • et enfin publier. Pour ce faire les étapes suivantes doivent être effectuées: - Aller dans File-> ...

Application Management for Android - VMware Workspace ONE

apk file as a local file. This option applies to Android 6.0+ devices only. You can use Workspace ONE UEM features to apply policies to the applications. For 
WS Application Management for Android Doc

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un paquet application Android pour la distribution. Le nom du paquet est le nom qu'aura notre paquet APK ainsi que le nom qui sera affiché dans.
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208121 Install LanGuide APK on Android phone Contents

Install LanGuide APK on Android phone


1. Go to

with your phone to download the APK file. .................................................... 2

2. You can find your downloaded file either in your notification bar (2.1.1) or go

to your files (2.2.2) ......................................................................................... 2

2.1.1. Press the file in the notification bar to open the file. (Figur 1) ........................ 2

2.1.2. For security reasons, unknown apps might not be allowed to be installed and

you must go to settings to allow doing so this time. (Figur 2) ......................... 3 continue to install the application (Figur 3) .................................................... 4

2.1.4. Press on install to install the application. (Figur 4) You can now proceed to

step 3. ............................................................................................................ 5

2.2.3. Go to the download folder to find the downloaded files and press on the

LanGuide.apk file to start the installation. (Figur 6) ........................................ 7

2.2.4. Press on install to install the application. (Figur 7) ......................................... 8

3. When the installation is done, open the application. You will also find the

application where all your installed applications are. (Figur 8) ....................... 9

4. Now you should be able to see the login screen of the LanGuide app. (Figur 9)

..................................................................................................................... 10

1. Go to

with your phone to download the APK file.

2. You can find your downloaded file either in your notification bar (2.1.1)

or go to your files (2.2.2)

2.1.1. Press the file in the notification bar to open the file. (Figur 1)

Figur 1 - Find the APK file in the notification bar.

2.1.2. For security reasons, unknown apps might not be allowed to be

installed and you must go to settings to allow doing so this time. (Figur 2) Figur 2 - Go to settings to allow installaing the file. press back to continue to install the application (Figur 3) Figur 3 - Move the slider to allow installing from this source and then press back.

2.1.4. Press on install to install the application. (Figur 4)

You can now proceed to step 3.

Figur 4 - Press install to install the application. Figur 5 - My files, to find all the downloaded files on the phone.

2.2.3. Go to the download folder to find the downloaded files and

press on the LanGuide.apk file to start the installation. (Figur 6) Figur 6 - The LanGuide.apk inside the download folder.

2.2.4. Press on install to install the application. (Figur 7)

Figur 7 - Pop up to let you install the apk.

3. When the installation is done, open the application. You will also find the

application where all your installed applications are. (Figur 8)

Figur 8 - Open the installed application.

4. Now you should be able to see the login screen of the LanGuide app.

(Figur 9)

Figur 9 - Login screen in LanGuide Android app.

Install LanGuide APK on Android phone


1. Go to

with your phone to download the APK file. .................................................... 2

2. You can find your downloaded file either in your notification bar (2.1.1) or go

to your files (2.2.2) ......................................................................................... 2

2.1.1. Press the file in the notification bar to open the file. (Figur 1) ........................ 2

2.1.2. For security reasons, unknown apps might not be allowed to be installed and

you must go to settings to allow doing so this time. (Figur 2) ......................... 3 continue to install the application (Figur 3) .................................................... 4

2.1.4. Press on install to install the application. (Figur 4) You can now proceed to

step 3. ............................................................................................................ 5

2.2.3. Go to the download folder to find the downloaded files and press on the

LanGuide.apk file to start the installation. (Figur 6) ........................................ 7

2.2.4. Press on install to install the application. (Figur 7) ......................................... 8

3. When the installation is done, open the application. You will also find the

application where all your installed applications are. (Figur 8) ....................... 9

4. Now you should be able to see the login screen of the LanGuide app. (Figur 9)

..................................................................................................................... 10

1. Go to

with your phone to download the APK file.

2. You can find your downloaded file either in your notification bar (2.1.1)

or go to your files (2.2.2)

2.1.1. Press the file in the notification bar to open the file. (Figur 1)

Figur 1 - Find the APK file in the notification bar.

2.1.2. For security reasons, unknown apps might not be allowed to be

installed and you must go to settings to allow doing so this time. (Figur 2) Figur 2 - Go to settings to allow installaing the file. press back to continue to install the application (Figur 3) Figur 3 - Move the slider to allow installing from this source and then press back.

2.1.4. Press on install to install the application. (Figur 4)

You can now proceed to step 3.

Figur 4 - Press install to install the application. Figur 5 - My files, to find all the downloaded files on the phone.

2.2.3. Go to the download folder to find the downloaded files and

press on the LanGuide.apk file to start the installation. (Figur 6) Figur 6 - The LanGuide.apk inside the download folder.

2.2.4. Press on install to install the application. (Figur 7)

Figur 7 - Pop up to let you install the apk.

3. When the installation is done, open the application. You will also find the

application where all your installed applications are. (Figur 8)

Figur 8 - Open the installed application.

4. Now you should be able to see the login screen of the LanGuide app.

(Figur 9)

Figur 9 - Login screen in LanGuide Android app.