Packages npm

On the Impact of Micro-Packages: An Empirical Study of the npm

14 sept. 2017 vestigation with 169964 JavaScript npm packages to understand ... ware' ecosystems such as the node package manager (npm).

Simplifying the Search of npm Packages

7 juin 2020 js packages and to help developers find high-quality packages that meet their needs npms developed a search engine to rank Node.js packages in ...

On the Diversity of Software Package Popularity Metrics: An

14 janv. 2019 Such libraries are readily available through software package managers like npm for JavaScript. Due to the huge amount of packages available in ...

Malicious NPM Packages

The npm registry contains packages many of which are also Node modules

Automatically Assessing and Extending Code Coverage for NPM

14 mai 2021 assembles a test suite for any package in the npm registry. The ... and evaluating the code coverage of popular npm packages is.

Practical Automated Detection of Malicious npm Packages

21 mai 2022 npm1 is a system for publishing and consuming software packages for JavaScript and TypeScript. While initially closely associated with the Node.

npm Packages as Ingredients: a Recipe-based Approach

The sharing and growth of open source software packages in the npm JavaScript (JS) ecosystem has npm package as a recipe: a list of core dependencies.

On the impact of security vulnerabilities in the npm package

8 mai 2017 the npm package dependency network. Alexandre Decan. Tom Mens. Eleni Constantinou. Software Engineering Lab University of Mons. Belgium.

npm-filter: Automating the mining of dynamic information from npm

23 mai 2022 ing sets of npm packages. npm is a major repository for JavaScript ... and the list of transitive dependencies. npm-filter runs package.

Which Pull Requests Get Accepted and Why? A study of popular

2 mars 2020 for the NPM package bootstrap and predicting if the PRs submitted ... Pull Requests Predictive model

  1. packages npm list
  2. packages npm installed
  3. package 'npm' has no installation candidate
  4. npm packages are looking for funding
  5. npm packages for react
  6. npm packages.json
  7. npm packages update
  8. npm packages not installing