Craniofacial Development and the Evolution of the Vertebrates: the

The Meaning of Developmental Time: A Metric for Comparative

change and these have been largely neglected in comparative embryology. similarity that provides the basis for all physical comparative biology (see.

Russian comparative embryology takes form: a conceptual

SUMMARY. This essay recapitulates major paths followed by the Russian tradition of what we refer to today as evolutionary developmental biology (“evo-devo”) 

Evolutionary Morphology Innovation

An Embryological Analysis of Myrtales: Its Definition and

DEFINITION AND CHARACTERISTICS' on the comparative embryology of angiosperms ... 2 Department of Biology Faculty of Science

Defining ''Development''

3 avr. 2018 Development; embryology; developmental biology; scientific discipline; definition. Introduction. How can we define “development”? And in the ...

Comparative Embryology of Angiosperms. Vols 1–2

Comparative Embryology of Angio sperms. broader definition of 'embryology' to much diversified information that ... as well as physical and biological.

Craniofacial Development and the Evolution of the Vertebrates: the

Laboratory for Evolutionary Morphology Center for Developmental Biology (CDB) persisted as the central question of comparative embryology.
zsj. .

ETD Template

22 juin 2005 Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Yale University ... situated in disciplines such as comparative embryology
lovealanc etd

Evolution of the vertebrate jaw: comparative embryology and

15 sept. 2004 Evolution of the vertebrate jaw: comparative embryology and molecular developmental biology reveal the factors behind evolutionary novelty.

In what sense does 'nothing make sense except in the light of

Like the distribution of characters in anatomy and embryology the But only evolution predicts the patterns seen in comparative biology and in.
In what sense