Ibn Qutayba and cAntars Mucallaqa: Sources Traditions and Structure

Historicizing the Concept of Arab Jews in the "Mashriq"

ARAB JEWS IN THE MASHRIQ-LEVY. 453 lost history but principally with the evocation of both subjects through a concept gaining increasing acceptance and 

Indépendance et Tentatives de Regroupement des Pays Arabes du

manière approfondie du nationalisme arabe et des tentatives L'évocation romantique d. « glorieux passé arabe » lui sert de support historique. On re.

Quelques exemples de scholies dans la tradition arabe des

RÉSUMÉ. — Après la description de deux sources importantes de scholies les manuscrits Téhéran Malik 3586 et Leiden Or. 399/1


However intimate or formal the memoir is in its evocation of food ful medammes 'chez les Arabes' on Atlantic Avenue (Dream Homes

L'évocation de la musique dans les collections du musée des Beaux

C'est un instrument à archet de petite taille d'origine arabe (rebab) utilisé par les trouvères et les ménestrels pour accompagner le chant et les danses.
musique mba

Alterity in Art: Towards a Theory and Practice of Infra-thin Critique

aesthetics of resistance.3 Art exploring the 'Arab Springs' evokes the second and third dimension via kinesis and the evocation of a.

Ferhat Abbas Vichy's National Revolution


Emotion Performance


Ibn Qutayba and cAntar's Mucallaqa: Sources Traditions and Structure

mourning of ruins; evocation of the beloved; citation of place names and their de arabe n° 5 - 2008 p p. 157-167. Ibn Qutayba and cAntar's Mucallaqa:.

Historicizing the Concept of Arab Jews in the "Mashriq"

ARAB JEWS IN THE MASHRIQ-LEVY. 453 lost history but principally with the evocation of both subjects through a concept gaining increasing acceptance and 