

In a parallelogram opposite sides are equal

Definitions: • Parallelogram -- a quadrilateral that has two pairs of

If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram then consecutive angles are supplementary. • If both pairs of opposite sides of a quadrilateral are congruent
Quadrilateral Theorems and Definitions


Congruent alternate interior angles form parallel lines. 7. If a quadrilateral has one pair of opposite sides both congruent and parallel it's a parallelogram.
Review Ans A and B

Understanding Quadrilaterals.pmd

Property: The opposite angles of a parallelogram are of equal measure. Take two identical 30° – 60° – 90° set-squares and form a parallelogram as before.


20 sept. 2019 (c) In a parallelogram the diagonals intersect each other at right angles. (d) In any quadrilateral

Use Square Root

One pair of opposite sides are both congruent and parallel. equal side lengths. ... Since a parallelogram has equal opposite angles and all four.
Drafting T Chart Properties of Quadrilaterals

. a. Angles NMQ and MNP are consecutive angles. b. Angles MQP

Opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent. So c. are opposite sides. Opposite sides both expressions equal to one another and solve for y.

9.1 Properties of Parallelograms - Essential Question: What can you

opposite angles angles across from each other consecutive angles - angles. -angles Next to each other congruent equal pal measure 
Module Lesson


Both pairs of opposite angles are congruent. > Diagonals bisect each other. > Consecutive angles are supplementary. ➤ Contains all parallelogram properties.
Test Review


4) The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other. RECTANGLES: 1) Opposite sides are congruent (they equal each other). 2) Opposite angles are congruent 
summary sheet