Branded Entertainment: Entertainment content as marketing

Branded Entertainment: Entertainment content as marketing

20 sept. 2015 Marketing; communication; branded entertainment; relationship marketing; branded content; engagement. Contents. 1. Introduction. 1.1. The new ...
RLCS paper en

Branded Entertainment: Entertainment content as marketing

Marketing; communication; branded entertainment; relationship marketing; branded content; engagement. Contents. 1. Introduction. 1.1. The new marketing paradigm 
RLCS paper en

Content marketing strategy

Content marketing is important for positioning your brand in the minds of consumers. As a content marketer you need to understand the brand and consumer 
eMarketing Chapter CMS

Video Brand Storytelling: The Rise of Content Marketing

Video brand storytelling is proved to be a powerful tool in content marketing since it can positively affect even when consumers'.

L'impact des caractéristiques du brand content sur l'engagement

Pulizzi (2013) définie le Brand Content comme : « Le processus marketing et commercial permettant de créer et de distribuer un contenu intéressant et attrayant 

The Confusion of Content Marketing A study to clarify the key

Content marketing is a marketing strategy with many names and examples of names according to Pulizzi (2013) are: custom media

The Impact of Social Media Content Marketing (SMCM) towards

the brands. Social media content marketing (SMCM) also plays an important role in conveying effective information to the consumers thus attract them to keep 
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Business to business digital content marketing: marketers

messaging and a brand-centric approach but it actively encourages brands to take a customer-centric perspective on their propositions and also engenders higher 

2016 Benchmarks Budgets

Content Marketing: New Opportunities for Building Strong Brands

26 mai 2014 Keywords: Digital content content marketing