Algorithms for Efficient Computation of Convolution

Algorithms for Efficient Computation of Convolution

The basic convolution algorithm evaluates inner product of a flipped kernel and a neighborhood of each individual sample of an input signal.
Algorithms for Efficient Computation of Convolution

Chapter 8: Fast Convolution

Fast Convolution: implementation of convolution algorithm using fewer A linear convolution algorithm for polynomial multiplication based on.

Derivation and analysis of fast bilinear algorithms for convolution

of these algorithms the overlap-add approach and Winograd convolution algorithm with polynomi- als of degree greater than one

The Convolution/Superposition Method: A Model-Based Dose

The convolution/superposition finite pencil beam and Monte Carlo methods are model- based dose calculation systems. • Unlike correction-based methods

Fast Algorithms for Convolutional Neural Networks - Andrew Lavin

The Strassen algorithm for fast matrix multiplica- tion [13] was used by Cong and Xiao [3] to reduce the num- ber of convolutions in a convnet layer thereby 
Lavin Fast Algorithms for CVPR paper

Dose calculation algorithms in 3DCRT and IMRT

30 Jul 2008 convolution - CMS. • Re-sampling of Mackie's kernels to. Cartesian coordinates. • FFT solution. • Two separate calculations:.

Practical Implementation of a Collapsed Cone Convolution

A collapsed cone convolution algorithm was applied to a treatment planning system for the calculation of dose distributions. The distribution of beam 
jkps. .

Katz's middle convolution algorithm

25 Oct 2006 KATZ'S MIDDLE CONVOLUTION ALGORITHM. CARLOS SIMPSON. Abstract. This is an expository account of Katz's middle convolution operation on local.

The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing

the input side algorithm and the output side algorithm. Convolution provides the mathematical framework for DSP; there is nothing more important in this 
dsp book ch

Pruning of Winograd and FFT Based Convolution Algorithm

Winograd- and FFT-based convolution are two efficient convolution algorithms targeting high-performance infer- ence. Their efficiency comes from the 

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  3. convolution algorithm image
  4. convolution algorithm definition
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  6. convolution algorithm image processing
  7. convolution algorithm pseudocode
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