Every Childs Birth Right: Inequities and Trends in Birth Registration

Optimal Age at Motherhood. Theoretical and Empirical

recently the research agenda on the lack of equal opportunities between women and men focussed on labour force participation of women with young children 

Every Child's Birth Right: Inequities and Trends in Birth Registration

age to respond to questions regarding possession of a birth certificate or registration with civil authorities and knowledge of how to register a child. The DHS 
Embargoed Dec Birth Registration report low res

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Jul 1 2009 of the child being given due weight in accordance with age and maturity. ... The right of all children to be heard and taken seriously ...
crc c gc

Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs

Teachers who are knowledgeable about child development and learning are able to make broad predictions about what children of a particular age group typically 

Age appropriate design: a code of practice

Parliament and government ensured UK data protection laws will truly transform the way we look after children online by requiring my office to introduce this 
age appropriate design a code of practice for online services

Council of Europe Recommendation on the participation of children

There is no age limit on the right of the child or young person to express her or his views freely. All children and young people including those of pre-school 

Parenthood and Health: The Pivotal and Optimal Age at First Birth

Institute of Mental Health on Children Child Care


a minimum age the onus is always on the individual child to prove capacity. ensures that after that age children acquire an absolute right.
discussion paper minimum ages

Age of mothers at childbirth and age-specific fertility Chart SF2.3.A

Sources: For European countries and Turkey Eurostat Demographic Statistics: Mean age of women at childbirth and at birth of first child; for Australia
SF Age mothers childbirth

Magnitude and determinants of appropriate complementary feeding

Dec 31 2020 RESEARCH ARTICLE. Magnitude and determinants of appropriate complementary feeding practice among mothers of children age 6–23 months in.

  1. best age for giving birth
  2. best age for give birth
  3. ideal age to give birth
  4. best age to give birth to a baby