Neurologic Sequelae After Treatment of Severe Hyponatremia: A

Joint Trust Guideline for Inpatient Management of Hyponatremia

Dec 10 2019 Inappropriately rapid correction of hyponatraemia can cause osmotic ... Patients with severe hyponatremia <120mmol/L

Hypertonic Saline and Desmopressin: A Simple Strategy for Safe

Dec 26 2012 Background: Prompt correction of severe hyponatremia is important

Hypertonic Saline and Desmopressin: A Simple Strategy for Safe

Dec 26 2012 Background: Prompt correction of severe hyponatremia is important
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Urea minimizes brain complications following rapid correction of

Aug 6 2014 Correction of severe hyponatremia with urea has never been compared to treatment with a vaptan or hypertonic saline with regard.

Desmopressin to Prevent Rapid Sodium Correction in Severe

Desmopressin is recommended to control high rates of serum sodium concentration correction in severe hyponatremia. However recommendations are based on 

Management of Severe Hyponatremia: Rapid or Slow Correction?

rate of correction of severe hyponatremia could be Advocates of rapid correction argue that if severe hyponatremia remains untreated for a longer period ...
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Treatment of severe hyponatremia

Rapid correction of an acute hypona- tremia is appropriate to avoid hyponatremic brain dam- age. Rapid correction will restore brain cell volume to normal [32].

Rapid Correction of Severe Hyponatremia with Intravenous

Early diagnosis and rapid correction of serum sodium con- centration appear to reduce the significant morbidity and mortality of severe hyponatremia.
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Rapid Correction of Severe Hyponatremia with Intravenous

Rapid Correction of Severe Hyponatremia with. Intravenous Hypertonic Saline Solution. J. CARLOS AYUS M.D.

Neurologic Sequelae After Treatment of Severe Hyponatremia: A

of correction to a serum sodium of 120 mmol/L was. 0.55 mmol/L per hour. it was concluded that patients with severe chronic hyponatremia.

  1. correction hyponatremie severe
  2. correction of severe hyponatremia
  3. treating severe hyponatremia
  4. correcting acute hyponatremia
  5. correcting chronic hyponatremia