What Is the Bonferroni Correction?

1 Rappels sur la méthode de Bonferroni

Dans ce mod`ele intéressons nous aux tests de comparaison des niveaux du second facteur

À propos de la méthode de Bonferroni

tests de comparaison avec ou sans la correction de Bonferroni. Commençons par regarder ce que fait la commande means pour tester les différences entre.
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1 Why is multiple testing a problem? 2 The Bonferroni correction

Depending on the correlation structure of the tests the Bonferroni correction could be extremely conservative

What Is the Bonferroni Correction?

The Bonferroni correction is an adjustment made to P values when several dependent or independent statistical tests are being performed simultaneously on a 
S Bonferroni Correction

Multiple P-values and Bonferroni correction

14 jan. 2016 Few manuscripts however

To Bonferroni or Not to Bonferroni: When and How Are the Questions

ily of statistical tests nor is it clear when a simultaneous-inference test such as the sequential Bonferroni correction is required. He argued that.

Multiple tests Bonferroni correction


A multiple testing correction method for genetic association studies

12 fév. 2008 If the number of independent tests can be correctly inferred we can still use the standard Bonferroni correction to rapidly adjust for multiple ...

Multiple hypothesis testing and Bonferroni's correction

20 oct. 2014 Multiple hypothesis testing and Bonferroni's correction. Philip Sedgwick reader in medical statistics and medical education.
bmj.g .full

Escaping the Bonferroni iron claw in ecological studies

I analyze some criticisms made about the application of alpha- inflation correction procedures to repeated-test tables in ecological studies.
Escaping the Bonferroni iron claw in ecological studies

  1. correction bonferroni r
  2. correction bonferroni p value
  3. correction bonferroni statistique
  4. correction bonferroni significativité
  5. bonferroni correction calculator
  6. bonferroni correction example
  7. bonferroni correction spss
  8. bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons