Correlations and Multiple Comparisons in Functional Imaging – a

Correlations and Multiple Comparisons in Functional Imaging – a

that massive numbers of tests with multiple comparison corrections are not a good way to provide unbiased estimates of the correlation magnitude they claim 

A multiple testing correction method for genetic association studies

12 févr. 2008 The closely spaced SNPs frequently yield high correlation because of extensive linkage dis- equilibrium (LD) among them [Wall and Pritchard.

A multiple testing correction method for genetic association studies

12 févr. 2008 A Multiple Testing Correction Method for Genetic Association. Studies Using Correlated Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms. Xiaoyi Gao1Г.

Limitations of Significance Testing in Clinical Research: A Review of

In this review we outline methods for multiple comparison corrections and effect size calculations and considerations in cases of correlation and summarize 
Anesthesia and Analgesia

A comparison of multiple testing adjustment methods with block

28 avr. 2017 RESEARCH ARTICLE. A comparison of multiple testing adjustment methods with block-correlation positively- dependent tests.

Correlations and Multiple Comparisons in Functional Imaging – a

time to move beyond the correlation and multiple comparisons framework corrections for multiple comparisons allow researchers to

Multiple Comparisons for Correlated Outcomes in Clinical Trials

Multiple Comparisons for Correlated Outcomes in Clinical Trials Table 1 Bonferroni correction and the exact “nominal” significance level α* ...
grasp document multiple testings for correlated outcomes in clinical trials

PhenoSpD: an integrated toolkit for phenotypic correlation

24 août 2018 estimated phenotypic correlations will attenuate toward zero and multiple testing correction will be more stringent than in.

1 Why is multiple testing a problem? 2 The Bonferroni correction

Depending on the correlation structure of the tests the Bonferroni correction could be extremely conservative

Correction for multiple testing in a gene region

10 juil. 2013 Several methods to correct for multiple testing within a gene region ... conservative due to high correlation among SNPs in a chromosomal.
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  1. correcting for multiple comparisons correlations
  2. correlation matrix correction for multiple comparisons