Reference manual

Statistical Comparisons of Classifiers over Multiple Data Sets

Furthermore the problem of correct statistical tests for comparing classifiers on a single data set is not related to the comparison on multiple data sets 
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Multiple Testing Corrections

Multiple testing corrections adjust p-values derived from multiple statistical tests to correct for occurrence of false positives. In microarray data analysis 
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1 Why is multiple testing a problem? 2 The Bonferroni correction

For gory levels of detail see the Storey paper the professor has linked to from the class website. 5 Comparing the three. First


It is also possible execute the statistical tests using the faces of the surface as reference. Page 19. Chapter 2. Statistical Inference for Brain Imaging. 15.

What Is the Bonferroni Correction?

The Bonferroni correction is an adjustment made to P values when several dependent or independent statistical tests are being performed simultaneously on a 
S Bonferroni Correction

The Bonferonni and Šidák Corrections for Multiple Comparisons

Corrections for Multiple Comparisons. Hervé Abdi1. 1 Overview. The more tests we ses that researchers perform more and more statistical tests on a.
Abdi Bonferroni pretty

practical guidance for choosing the best multiple comparisons test

4 de dez. de 2020 Multiple comparisons tests (MCTs) include the statistical tests used ... technical statistical literature to self-train on the correct use ...

A Closer Look at Correction for False Discovery Bias When Making

(1968 1971) multiple-comparison adjustment to the standard statistical t-test to correct for the false- discovery bias inherent in multiple-comparison 

Multiple Testing Corrections

This is why it is important to correct the p-value of each gene when performing a statistical test on a group or genes. Multiple testing correction adjusts the 

Reference manual

After Procrustes or Bookstein fitting some statistical procedures are ideally carried out marked in pink if p<0.05
past manual