Pediatric Sodium Disorders

Overcorrection of hyponatremia is a medical emergency

Early manifestations of osmotic demyelination following excessive correction of hyponatremia have been reversed in individual case reports by re- lowering of 

Use of Desmopressin in Hyponatremia: Foe and Friend

Mar 14 2019 To prevent ongoing water losses in urine and overly rapid “autocorrection” of serum sodium level

Effects of correction equation for actual sodium concentration on the

Nov 29 2019 Keywords: corrected sodium; equation; hyperglycemia; hyperlipidemia; hyponatremia; pseudohyponatremia. Introduction. Hyponatremia is the most ...

Pediatric Sodium Disorders

May 20 2016 Hyponatremia – a serum sodium level <135 mmol/L.2 The presence of ... Worksheet for the non-emergent correction of hyponatremia with.
Pediatric Sodium Disorders

Desmopressin to Prevent Rapid Sodium Correction in Severe

Desmopressin is recommended to control high rates of serum sodium concentration correction in severe hyponatremia. However recommendations are based on 

Should the actual or the corrected serum sodium be used to

The corrected sodium value would distort the anion gap. Hyponatremia or hypernatremia (due to water gain or loss) affects the anion gap but only slightly.

Disorders of Plasma Sodium — Causes Consequences

Joint Trust Guideline for Inpatient Management of Hyponatremia

Dec 10 2019 Treatment of the hyperglycaemia will correct the sodium and no specific treatment for the hyponatremia is required. • If the patient is ...

Principles of Management of Severe Hyponatremia

There are 2 indications for saline infusion in hyponatremia. but lower risk of osmotic myelinolysis after rapid correction of.

Rapid Correction of Severe Hyponatremia After Computed

1 We report a case in which a patient developed osmotic diuresis after contrast dye injection that rapidly self-corrected the severe hyponatremia. Report of a