Predictability of deep overbite correction using Invisalign®

Predictability of deep overbite correction using Invisalign®

As summarized in Table 2.2 some adjunctive tooth movements can also assist in overbite reduction. Table 2.2 Treatment modalities for deep bite correction.
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Correction of deep overbite and gummy smile by using a mini

This case report presents the treatment of a growing patient with a Class II Division 2 malocclusion whose deep overbite and gummy smile were corrected by using 


Deep overbites can be corrected by four types of tooth movements: 1. Extrusion of posterior teeth. Extrusion of molars during orthodontic.
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Deep bite treatment

Mar 23 2022 To treat deep overbite

Correction of class II occlusion on right side and deep overbite

Age: 14. Chief concern: Ready for Phase 2 of orthodontic treatment to correct bite. Case diagnostics: Class II occlusion on right side severe overbite
m clarity aligners virtual white paper class ii deep overbite correction dr lisa davison

Deepbite correction with incisor intrusion in adults: A long-term

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate the long-term stability of deep overbite correction with mandibular incisor intrusion with 

Combine the Orthodontic-Orthognathic Surgical Correction on Class

Intraoral examination revealed a severe deep bite with 13 mm overbite. The pre-surgical orthodontic treatment consisted of proclination of the maxillary 

Deep Overbite Malocclusion

(c) A deep anterior overbite with the maxillary incisors covering upper first molars to aid in Class II correction and bite opening.

Noninvasive Orthodontic Treatment for Class II Division 2 Adult

Dec 1 2021 Deep overbite can be corrected by intrusion of anterior teeth

Deep overbite correction: Biomechanics and clinical implications

This paper is focused on the mechanics of deep overbite correction when the intrusion of maxillary anterior teeth is necessary to achieve a pleasing smile with 

  1. correcting a deep overbite
  2. correction of severe overbite
  3. correction of deep overbite in adults
  4. correction of deep anterior overbite