Detailed Terminographic Analysis of “Glossary of Terminology Used

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

to learn more than one foreign language or reducing the dominant position of English in international communication. Beyond this

Gender-neutral language in the European Parliament

or gender-inclusive language is more than a matter of political correctness. ... Natural gender languages (such as Danish English and Swedish)
GNL Guidelines EN

Joint Practical Guide

11 juil. 2013 For example the use of synonyms ... French

The Effects of Feedbacks on Chinese Learners' English Learning

linguistic correctness of English. servative in linguistic correctness in terms of English ... Linguistic correctness is the synonym of linguistic.

On the correctness of machine translation: A machine translation

23 janv. 2015 In the experiment described test subjects edited machine-translated texts from English into Finnish. In order to observe how well it would ...
art koponen

Teaching Politically Correct Language

cally correct language in the English made inclusive by using synonyms such as humankind and artificial. ... Tasks for teaching political correctness.

Gender-Sensitive Language

Because most English language readers no longer understand the word "man" to be synonymous with "people" writers today must think more carefully about the ways 
gender sensitive language

Detailed Terminographic Analysis of “Glossary of Terminology Used

28 avr. 2014 Prepared by Marek Łukasik (Department of English Studies ... the Commission decided to analyze the compositional correctness of.
WP Detailed Terminographic Analysis of Glossary of Terminology Used in the Standardization of Geographical Names

Academic Writing

This means: refer to the unit on synonyms in Part 2 (Unit 11). cross reference Most academic courses in English-medium colleges and universities use.

Feminist Linguistic Theories and “Political Correctness”

Keywords: feminist linguistic theories political correctness
S le bihan

  1. accuracy synonyms english