Efficient algorithmic implementation of the Voigt/complex error


expint is a matlab package designed as a tool for the numerical experimentalist to facil- itate easy testing of various exponential integrators. Exponential 

Solving ODE in MATLAB

−2C1+1/2C3 so that the coefficients of exp(t) in the expression for x are approximate error at this step

Exploring Rounding Errors in Matlab Using Extended Precision

source of the error is the representation of exp(1) not the series approximation to W. A familiar example is seen when a user types into Matlab sin(pi).
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Efficient algorithmic implementation of the Voigt/complex error

We applied MATLAB 7.9.0 supporting array programming features. error function of complex argument [115]. erfрzЮ % erfрxЮ ю exp Аx2.

The Leja method revisited: backward error analysis for the matrix

1 avr. 2016 matrix exponential on a given vector is a typical application. ... The error is measured relative to the result of the Matlab built-in.

An efficient bound for the condition number of the matrix exponential

Matrix exponential; Scaling and squaring method; Fréchet derivative; Squaring phase; Padé approximation; Backward error analysis; MATLAB; Error estimate.

The Scaling and Squaring Method for the Matrix Exponential Revisited

MATLAB Control System Toolbox: c2d and d2c. Exponential time differencing for stiff systems ... Ward (1977): algorithm with rounding error analysis.

Outils Mathématiques et utilisation de Matlab

Introduction `a Matlab 7. Voici une liste (non exhaustives) des fonctions incorporées dans Matlab : exp(x). : exponentielle de x.

The Scaling and Squaring Method for the Matrix Exponential

5 juil. 2004 evaluation scaling and squaring method
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If we enter an expression incorrectly MATLAB will return an error message. tan(x)
introduction to matlab