MATLAB Commands and Functions

MATLAB Programming

You can expand a structure or cell array in the same way that you can a matrix. This example adds an additional cell to a cell array by storing it beyond 
matlab prog

Programming - Creating Cell Arrays

You can build a cell array by assigning data to individual cells one cell MATLAB automatically expands the array to include the subscripts you specify.
creating cel arrays

MATLAB Commands and Functions

Array Commands / 6. Special Matrices / 6. Matrix Arithmetic / 6. Matrix Commands for Solving Linear Equations / 6. Cell Array Functions / 7.

MATLAB Programming

You can expand a structure or cell array in the same way that you can a matrix. This example adds an additional cell to a cell array by storing it beyond 
matlab prog

Building Structure Arrays

fieldnames returns a cell array of strings containing field names. As you expand the structure MATLAB fills in unspecified fields with empty.
structure arrays

MATLAB Programming Patterns

variable values in a cell array or structure array and then expand your data into a comma-separated list via c{:}
Simplify your code with comma separated lists

What's the big deal?

The deal function is an adapter that allows cell arrays and structure that ships with MATLAB includes the ability to scalar expand a single rhs and.
What's the big deal

development of a model for mitigating fire spread in multi-storey

neighbourhood cell configuration is adopted. Hence the surface of the fuel is analysed using a regular square array (i.e. cells)
Paper Oluseyi Akinbulire Atunbi MitigationOfFireSpreadInBuildings ?sequence= &isAllowed=y

MATLAB Tips & Tricks: Exploiting the comma-separated list

Have you ever found yourself wondering if it was possible to vectorize an expression that involved a structure or cell array? It is possible to vectorize.
Exploiting the comma separated list

CNBC Matlab Mini-Course

Matlab supports arrays with more than 2 Each cell in the array requires separate type and ... The p1{:} notation expands the contents of the cell array ...