Explaining the Ineffable: Al on the Topics of Intuition Insight and

List Processing in Prolog List Operations in Prolog

Prolog has a notation similar to “cons same way as in Scheme and ML: [] is the empty list. [12
Lecture . up

An Introduction to Prolog

are a flexible way to deduce new information from a set of facts. The parent/2 predicate is another example of a family relationship that is easy to define 
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technical report no. 182 - transliterating prolog into scheme

expressions in Common Lisp except for the missing function and funcall forms. Scheme also contains standard list processing functions like cons car

An overview of artificial intelligence and robotics: volume 1 - artificial

Tree Representation of Paths Through the State Graph of Figure III—2 To date LISP (List Processing Language


1. Artificial intelligence-Data processing. 2. Prolog (Computer program similar way as the parent relation; that is by simply providing a list of ...


Through comparisons with LISP and PROLOG it is shown that motivation for the language centered on its list processing capabilities (for which the name.

Prolog Programming A First Course

27 oct. 1988 1Prolog like LISP

Learning Prolog in a schema-based environment

structured Prolog for simple recursive list processing. These basic Prolog sche interpretation of two Prolog programs are highly related.

Explaining the Ineffable: Al on the Topics of Intuition Insight and

with all of the power of such equations to describe the states and temporal paths of complex list processing languagesare tested in exactly the same way.

Computer Intelligent Processing Technologies (CIPTs)

One way the EEA can boost progress towards this aim is to provide a solid overview and neural networks are just a different kind of statistics.