Speech and Language Processing


03.08.2016 matplotlib and many of its dependencies plus other useful packages

Speech and Language Processing

14.2 Dependency Formalisms . program's operation was explained to them (Weizenbaum 1976)
ed book

Machine learning won't save us: Dependencies bias cross

xkcd.com/1838 More complex dependencies (e.g. transitivity

Structurally informed methods for improved sentiment analysis

http://www.xkcd.com/937/ by Randall Munroe. use manually defined compositional patterns on top of a dependency parse (Shaikh et al..
WiltrudKessler Dissertation

Supply Chain Security: Securing your NPM PyPI


Domain modelling - Part II

08.10.2020 CC BY-NC 2.5 Randall Munroe https://xkcd.com/263/ ... Can explain the meaning and importance of DM ... dependency on the association.
DM Haaranen

CSSE 374: Design Class Diagrams

dependency officially in UML the top format is used to distinguish the package name from the class name unofficially

The Philosophy of Agile Software Development

10.03.2020 Agile helps to explain certain decisions dynamics and developments related ... The idea behind this 'napkin test' is to prevent dependency.
Braams MA BMS


02.07.2019 Matplotlib and its dependencies are available as wheel packages for ... Just for fun Matplotlib supports plotting in the style of xkcd.

Economics 1011a Section Notes

04.09.2014 (x y) is a function defined on the same domain as f(x
f econ a section notes