Windows Process Injection in 2019

Why Does Windows Crash?

1 avr. 2005 component. %crash ntdll.dll. NT system functions. MS. Internet Explorer. Matlab. 11% (86) msvcrt.dll. Microsoft C runtime library.

Autopsie d'une intrusion (( tout en mémoire )) sous Windows

allons explorer dans la suite de l'article se déroule en deux étapes : la le processus cible (toutes ces fonctions étant exportées par NTDLL.DLL) : ...
SSTIC Article Autopsie d une intrusion tout en memoire sous Windows ruff

Crash Data Collection: A Windows Case Study

Author Apps invoking component. %crash ntdll.dll. NT system functions. MS. Internet Explorer Matlab. 10.87% (90) msvcrt.dll. Microsoft C runtime library.

Windows Process Injection in 2019

It should be noted that explorer.exe the classic injection target
us Kotler Process Injection Techniques Gotta Catch Them All wp

Sample Chapters from Windows Internals Sixth Edition

Exploit WNF Callback - Code Injection Series Part 3

rm = MagicProcess::GetRemoteModuleHandle(pid "ntdll.dll"); issue on the system
code injection series part

VB2021 paper: Bugs in malware – uncovering vulnerabilities found

7 oct. 2021 DLL file so the ntdll.exe process name is possible
VB Singh Singh

Bypassing Memory Protections: The Future of Exploitation

to turn a crash into an exploit is not unusual. Windows multi-threaded application ntdll.dll ... Internet Explorer 8 finally turned on DEP.


16 janv. 2022 une page Internet avec Internet Explorer pour prendre ... partagées "ntdll.dll" et "kernel32.dll" sont interceptées.

Enabling Client-Side Crash-Resistance to Overcome Diversification

policy (i.e. after three consecutive crashes
enabling client side crash resistance overcome diversification information hiding