Two for One: Microsoft Office Encapsulated PostScript and Windows

How to Install capicom.dll for Windows7/8/10- 32bit and Windows7/8

dll" to your system folder i.e C:WindowsSystem32. 2. Execute batch file "Windows-32bit" from the extracted folder to register capicom.dll with Operating 
DSC guide

Open Mic: Sysmon & Windows Endpoint Detection

18 déc. 2018 ̶ Vista/Windows 7 & higher - Applications and ... Easy to install (32-bit Sysmon.exe or 64-bit Sysmon64.exe).
OpenMic Sysmon Dec

Exploits Explained:

On Windows XP Windows Vista
sophos comprehensive exploit prevention wp

Opera Workstation Configuration for Opera V5

Windows 7 Professional Edition (end of life 12/31/2019) i586.exe to begin the download. Note: Only 32-bit versions of the JRE are supported with OPERA.
opera workstation configuration ?elqTrackId=c a da eb a a c c f b &elqaid= &elqat=

BITS Forensics

12 août 2019 (having “explorer.exe” as parent process) will spawn process ... (In older Windows 7 versions this command needs to be preceded by the ...


Install rootkits and trojans that exploits a logic bug in Windows 7 and Windows 8 ... The malware creates a separate 32-bit process and decrypts itself.
SentinelOne Intelligence Report

Two for One: Microsoft Office Encapsulated PostScript and Windows

4 sept. 2015 explorer.exe that downloads a DLL from the attackers server and ... The two DLLs exploit the same vulnerability but target either 32-bit.

Trend Micro Data Protection Lists (Release 2.0)

Your feedback is always welcome. Please evaluate this documentation on the following site: 
dp lists .

VASS Browser Settings for Internet Explorer 10 &11 (32 bit) using

In 32-bit Windows 7 Internet Explorer 10 is still only a 32-bit browser. PC) can make the changes and allow the download of the MeadCo License ...
IE grid


eclipse_x86.tgz: EZ USB Suite for 32-bit Linux OS tory>Cypress (note that for Windows 7 and above the default install directory is C:Pro-.
Infineon SuperSpeed Explorer Kit User Guide UserManual v EN ?fileId= ac c c d d da d ef cf d