Use of MATLAB in Teaching the Fundamentals of Random Variables

Chapter 12 - Introduction to Simulation Using MATLAB

generates random numbers from the normal distribution with mean parameter mu and standard deviation parameter sigma. - Exponential Distribution: Y = exppdf(Xmu).

Appendix D. Random Number Generation

A core method for generating U(0 1) random numbers is the linear congruential method (e.g.

FRand: MATLAB Toolbox for Fuzzy Random Number Simulation

Keywords: Fuzzy random numbers Random number generation


number of engines that operate properly is X a binomial random variable with For an exponential random variable X

Use of MATLAB in Teaching the Fundamentals of Random Variables

The demos include Probability. Density Function (PDF) and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)
Use of MATLAB in Teaching the Fundamentals

Methods of Monte Carlo Simulation

A good method of generating such random numbers should have the following properties: simulate an exponential random variable in Matlab.
Lecture Notes

Chapter 4 : Generating Random Variables

The sequence of random numbers that is generated in MATLAB depends cuss generating random variables from the exponential distribution (see.

Distributions: Uniform Normal

Random numbers from the tails of probability distributions using the

12 oct. 2012 Many numerical methods for the generation of random numbers rep- ... ian and exponential random variates; therefore it is likely to outrun ...

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation with MATLAB

is used to model exponential growth (if k > 0) or exponential decay (if k < 0) of simulation would involve using a random number generator to find the ...
MathModelingWithMatlab ?sequence= &isAllowed=y