Innocents Abroad: American Painters at the 1867 Exposition

The United States and the 1925 Paris Exposition: Opportunity Lost

FIGURE 1. Poster of September 1926 for. Minneapolis Institute of Arts showing of selected objects from 1925 Paris Exposition. Photo: Minneapolis Institute.

Innocents Abroad: American Painters at the 1867 Exposition

Aug 6 2013 Innocents Abroad: American Painters at the 1867 Exposition Universelle
innocentsabroad parisexhibition

Appointment in Samarra

Nov 12 2015 Parsons Paris School of Art & Design
Appointment in Samarra Press Release

La photographie française à l'Exposition universelle de 1855

et de la guerre d'Orient Paris

National and Colonial: The Musée des Colonies at the Colonial

L'Exposition Coloniale Internationale de Paris feted the 6 LeonJaussely proposal for the Mus&e des Colonies

Press Releases Reed Expositions France and Reed MIDEM join

Jun 16 2021 EquipHotel

International Exhibitions Expositions Universelles and World's Fairs

Aug 4 2010 Exposition coloniale internationale
ExpoBibliography ed

History of Photography: Monographs Author Index 1

Album de la deuxième Exposition d'Art Photographique à. Bruxelles 4-19 Avril

Exposition photographique

Jun 24 2022 L'exposition Regards du Grand Paris réunit les travaux sensibles
rgp dossier de presse

Stereographs of Early World's Fairs

SINCE don World's 1851