FIXM Developers Manual

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) Version 2.0

Table 8.13 – Example Extension XML schema 61 The BPMN core elements which include those defined in the Infrastructure

ESEF XBRL Taxonomy Documentation

21 mars 2019 3.5.1 IFRS Taxonomy extensions and customisations . ... A schema file technical.xsd is defined in ...
esma esef xbrl taxonomy documentation .

Extending Schemas 1.0 Working Draft 2001-09-11

XML defined element. It does however
HR XML ExtendingSchemas

XML Schema best practices

always has the same meaning. • You need to introduce a new attribute into another XML schema in order to extend that schema.
HP StephensonSchemaBestPractices

EEE'08 Towards a bidirectional transformation of UML and XML

Definition of some XML Schema extensions in order to introduce the object specificities of UML. These extensions use the mechanisms of extensions 

EPC Information Services (EPCIS) Standard

2 sept. 2016 The data definitions in the Core Event Types data definition. 446 module are given a binding to an XML schema. The EPCIS Capture Interface ...
epcis standard r

OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Data Range Extension: Linear

27 oct. 2009 OWL 2 is defined to use datatypes defined in the XML Schema Definition · Language (XSD). As of this writing the latest W3C Recommendation ...
NOTE owl dr linear

The OECD Standard Transmission Format (STF) for international

(2) an XML schema document (stfdirect-1.0.xsd) for the definition of the XML of some aspect in the new document; they shall be derived as extensions or.

FIXM Developer's Manual

30 nov. 2012 steps is the common definition of the data that constitute a “flight.” ... 5.8 FIXM XSD EXTENSION TECHNIQUES .
FIXM Core v Modeller Manual

riskaBPMN - a BPMN extension for risk assessment

specification defined in [7] Varela-Vaca et al. extend BPMN with risk information to assess the conformance of Definition of the XML Schema Extension.
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