Oracle XML DB : Best Practices to Get Optimal Performance out of

Oracle XML DB and Forms Integration TWP

functions (Extract ExtractValue
oracle xml db and forms integration

Oracle XML DB : Best Practices to Get Optimal Performance out of

extractValue. XMLCast(XMLQuery()). existsNode(). XMLExists(). Table (XMLSequence). XMLTable ora:instanceof instanceof ora:instanceof-only. @xsi:type.
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Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide

and extractValue are deprecated in Oracle Database 11g Release 2. Chapter 4. SQL/XML Functions XMLQUERY XMLTABLE
xml db developers guide

Oracle XML DB: Best Practices to Get Optimal Performance out of

extractValue. XMLCast(XMLQuery()). existsNode(). XMLExists(). Table (XMLSequence). XMLTable ora:instanceof instanceof ora:instanceof-only. @xsi:type.
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Oracle® XML DB - Developer's Guide

CREATE INDEX Using EXTRACTVALUE on a Singleton Element. 6-72. 7-1. XSLT Stylesheet Example: PurchaseOrder.xsl. 7-2. 7-2. Registering an XML Schema and 
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Oracle Open World Data-and-Compute-Intensive processing Use

extractValue(object_value'/page/title') "title"
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XML Query (XQuery) Support in Oracle Database 10g Release 2

1 May 2005 extract extractValue
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Big data analytics is helping organizations across various industries extract value from their data. Using Oracle's Big Data and Analytics technology:.
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Query Rewrite for XML in Oracle XML DB

To query XML tables or views Oracle XML DB provides a set of functions

Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide

Accessing Text Nodes and Attribute Values Using EXTRACTVALUE .............................. 3- ... Using EXTRACTVALUE and EXISTSNODE in a WHERE Clause .