

years it was a real slap in the face to see that she not Behaving badly; being naughty; hard to control; acting- out frustrations.
Idioms and Expressions

IN THE LOOP A Reference Guide to American English Idioms

Compare to: face the music; grin and bear it; take the bull by the horns. Whereas face the music The lawyer tried to take control of the courtroom but.
In the Loop A Reference Guide to Am A C B


Amenable to control and dis_ cipline. Amending notification. Amendment of a substantial nature. Amenities provided by. Government .. Amount over-due.

Lexical or syntactic control of sentence formulation? Structural

21-Jul-2008 syntax of idiomatic and nonidiomatic phrasal verbs is amenable ... and received immediate feedback: a happy face (correct) or a sad face.

Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds

increased our attention to scenarios or alternative worlds we might face. oPeC would lose price control and crude oil prices would collapse ...

English idioms in the first language and second language lexicon: a

language (L2) lexicon vary with regard to the number of idiom entries. Gibbs and his colleagues started to systematically control an idiom's.

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

face communication so as to afford oneself the opportunity to speak

Idioms Anaphora


with important idioms and phrases in English Language so that they can answer Students have ​to face the risk​in order to attain success in the Civil ...
Idioms Phrases Question And Answers