Exam Style Questions - Factorising Quadratics Corbettmaths


F = (1 + 3x)(x – 2) + 1 Pour factoriser il faut trouver dans l'expression un facteur commun. ... B = 4x2 + 12x + 9 (1ère I.R. avec a = 2x et b = 3).

Factorising quadratics

Suppose we want to factorise the quadratic expression x2 − 7x + 12. We want two numbers which multiply to give 20 and add to give −9.
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Exam Style Questions - Factorising Quadratics Corbettmaths

Factorise x² + 9x + 20. Factorise x² + 10x + 9 Factorise x² - 6x - 27 ... 9. 10. 11. Factorise x² + 5x - 24. Factorise x² + 8x + 16. Factorise x² - 121.
factorising quadratics

Factorising Exercises Question 1 Factorise each of the following

Question 2 (Simple Factorisation into double brackets) (j) x3 + 5x2 + 6x. (k) 2x3 + 14x2 + 24x. (l) 3x4 + 18x3 + 15x2 ... (b) x2 - 9. (c) x2 - 25.

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(4x-3)(6x+5) B = - 2( x 2 - 9) – ( 25 x 2 – 30 x + 9 ) ... Méthode : la factorisation consiste à transformer une somme (ou une différence ) en un ...
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