Oracle Database In-Memory Implementation Guidelines

SQL Plan Management in Oracle Database 19c

13 Mar 2019 a SQL statement's execution plan can change unexpectedly for a variety of ... From the AWR repository (from Oracle Database 12c Release 2).
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Oracle Database In-Memory Implementation Guidelines

In the case of Oracle Database this means that execution plans need Hints that force the optimizer to choose a join method (e.g. USE_NL).
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SQL Plan Management in Oracle Database 19c

followed a set of rules to determine the execution plan for a SQL statement. Prior to Oracle Database 12c height-balanced histograms are created when ...
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Best Practices for Gathering Optimizer Statistics with Oracle

the optimizer to accurately determine the cost for an execution plan it must Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 12c focuses on the concepts of ...
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Real-Time SQL Monitoring

Real-time SQL monitoring introduced in Oracle Database 11g
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Parallel Execution with Oracle Database

20 Feb 2019 Figure 4: Parallel execution plan of a COUNT(*) on the CUSTOMERS table ... introduced in Oracle Database 12c is an adaptive.
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Query Optimization in Oracle 12c Database In-Memory

31 Aug 2015 execution plans for in-memory columnar tables compared to row ... 12c. Section 2 provides a brief overview of Oracle 12c Database.
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Understanding Optimizer Statistics with Oracle Database 12c

The Rule Based Optimizer as the name implies
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SQL Plan Management in Oracle Database 11g

1. SQL plan baseline capture: Create SQL plan baselines that represents accepted (trusted) execution plans for all relevant SQL statements. The SQL plan 
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The Optimizer in Oracle Database 19c

13 Mar 2019 execution plan for each SQL statement based on the structure of the ... Beginning with Oracle Database 12c Release 1 dynamic sampling was ...
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