Users Guide for Oracle Data Visualization

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TO_CHAR Function with Dates

Previously all Oracle date values were displayed in the DD-MON-YY SELECT empno

Logical SQL Reference Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence

layer enables clients to query data with Logical SQL only so that the a typed datetime literal

Using Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Service Data Sync

SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE LAST_UPD > SYSDATE - 365. To add a SQL query to limit the data loaded: 1. In the Project view select the source table in the 
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Oracle XML DB: Best Practices to get optimal performance out of

Boolean result is typically used in the WHERE or HAVING clause of SQL or such as NUMBER
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Programmation en PL/SQL Oracle

SELECT select_list. INTO variable_name
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VMware Tanzu Greenplum Platform Extension Framework v6.2

2 févr. 2022 SQL databases including Apache Ignite Hive
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TimesTen SQL Reference

TIMESTAMP has a larger range than TT_TIMESTAMP in that TIMESTAMP can store date and time data as far back as 4712 BC. TIMESTAMP also supports up to.

Server Administration and Users Guide - Enterprise Connect

Upgrades are provided only at regularly scheduled software release dates. No part of this publication generated by Adaptive Server to Oracle native SQL.
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User's Guide for Oracle Data Visualization

You can use analyses and logical SQL statements from existing Oracle applications as you select and where they're positioned on the canvas.

  1. oracle sql get only date from timestamp