Restricting and Sorting Data

Writing Basic SQL Statements

SELECT empno ename

Logical SQL Reference Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence

The Oracle BI Server accepts SQL SELECT statements from client tools. you can use the Advanced SQL Clauses fields in the Advanced tab of the Analysis.

Restricting and Sorting Data

Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL 2-2 restricts the query to rows that meet a condition ... SQL> SELECT ename empno

Logical SQL Reference Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence

BY Clause Syntax. Usage Notes. The Oracle BI Server treats the SELECT statement as a logical request. If aggregated data is requested 

Oracle® NoSQL Database - SQL Beginner's Guide

17 Nis 2021 You can use the GROUP BY clause only if there exists an index that sorts the rows by the grouping columns. For example this query returns the ...
sql beginners guide


How to true condition is listed in an example is its usage with various components of oracle sql decode function in. Changes the sql if clause appears 
if clause in sql query oracle

Querying JSON with Oracle Database 12c Release 2

Also since No-SQL document stores lack standardized formal query languages
sql json wp

Oracle XML DB: Best Practices to Get Optimal Performance out of

list of ORDER BY clause. When XQuery is used in SQL/XML functions and XMLTable construct to query XMLType value from tables or.
technicalreport xmlquery

Oracle Rdb™

8 Nis 1997 BY GROUP BY
sql services comparison sql dialect



  1. pl/sql select statement in where clause