Digital operating models How leading companies achieve results in

Aligning the Organization for Its Digital Future

digital engagement managers digital finance managers
MIT DeloitteAligningDigitalFuture

The two-speed organization How consumer products companies

marketing and digital services
us the two speed organization


Jul 1 2020 In the case of the financial-services company
Reimagining marketing


digital technologies and the economy has become a rather serious marketing approach to the transformation of entrepreneurial structures (WINTER 2003).

Conference Full Paper template

Jul 31 2018 Current Digital Marketing Landscape in Libraries ... structure is in the hands of a parent organization
cheng en

OECD e-commerce is on “fair business advertising and marketing practices” ...
competition in digital advertising markets

ESJ Social Sciences - The Contribution of Digital Marketing to

Mar 31 2021 Digital marketing is revolutionizing the organizational structures and offers companies

Digital operating models How leading companies achieve results in

way we work the way brands perceive and present themselves
digital operating model

  1. organisation structure for digital marketing
  2. organisational structure of digital marketing