Eine für Mitteleuropa neue und einige weitere für die Steiermark

Impact of the Mirid Bug Capsodes infuscatus (Hemiptera: Miridae

gous mirid bug Capsodes infuscatus Brulle (Hemiptera: Miridae). The sexual reproductive performance of A. aestivus was examined under natural levels of 

The Effect of the Mirid Bug Capsodes infuscatus on Fruit Production

environment by examining the interaction between the mirid bug Capsodes infuscatus and its food plant

Çiriş otu (Asphodelus aestivus Brot.) ile biyolojik mücadelede

Investigation of the potential use of Capsodes infuscatus Brulle in the biological control of Asphodelus aestivus Brot. Abstract: This study investigated the 

Capsodes sulcatus in Nederland (Heteroptera: Miridae Mirinae)

Capsodes sulcatus komt daar voor op jacobskruiskruid (Senecio jacobaea. L.) langs de strandopgang door de duinen bij de Westerlichttoren in Nieuw-Haamstede. Het.

Timeâ•'lags in insect response to plant productivity: significance for

(a) Does Asphodelus productivity determine Capsodes population density between years? and (b) Does Capsodes reduce the geophyte fruit production enough to 

Atlas des Miridae de Belgique (Insecta : Heteroptera)

27 juin 2014 Capsodes sulcatus sulcatus ... Habitat et écologie − Capsodes flavomarginatus ... Capsodes sulcatus in nederland (heteroptera: miridae.
miridae fr online

Corrections to the Catalog" Plant Bugs of the World" by Randall T

1 sept. 2021 727: Capsodes vittiventris: move 3 citations of leveillei to a separate species. Capsodes leveillei Puton 1887 and 4 citations of ...

Eine für Mitteleuropa neue und einige weitere für die Steiermark

hen sich auf Capsodes gothicus (L.) Syn. : Lopus gothicus L. Eine Bestätigung des Vor- kommens beider Alloeotomus-Arten in der Steiermark erscheint auf 

Tome 52

Capsodes flavomarginatus. Capsus ater. Deraeocoris ruber. Hadrodemus M-flavum. Harpocera thoracica. Leptoperna dolobrata. Phytocoris ulmi.

  1. capsodes flavomarginatus
  2. capsodes gothicus
  3. capsodes mat
  4. capsodes sulcatus
  5. capsodes infuscatus