Using synonyms to better data discoverability

1 Describing language: Lexis - TKT Module

First ask them to fold over the box at the very lexis including types of meaning
tkt module describing language lexis

TKT Glossary - Cambridge English

This glossary includes words and phrases for teaching knowledge connected to original word e.g. interview
tkt glossary document

Using synonyms to better data discoverability

Although the original scope of this study only mentions synonyms other relations between words

TKT teaching knowledge test glossary

This glossary includes words and phrases for teaching knowledge connected to original word e.g. interview
tkt glossary document


words or grammar patterns from the original source material Check the synonym has the same part of speech as the original word (noun
Effective paraphrasing

Generating Synonyms Using Word Vectors and an Easy-to-Read

generating words that to a high rate are perceived as synonymous to the original word. 1. Introduction. As the amount of information increases 

A Word-Embedding-Based Steganalysis Method for Linguistic

Nov 19 2018 synonym-substitution-based stego texts. 2) This paper first introduces word embeddings for ste- ganalysis. Incorporating with word ...

Natural Language Adversarial Defense through Synonym Encoding

Specifically given an input text x
wang a

Automatic extraction of synonyms in a dictionary 1 Introduction 2 A

Starting from a dictionary we first construct the associated dictionary graph G; each word of the dictionary is a vertex of the graph and there is an.
BS syn

Appendix 1 (as supplied by the authors): Search strategy Ovid

identifier synonyms] (828). 6 adverse [mp=title
inline supplementary material ?download=true

  1. old synonyms words
  2. authentic synonyms words
  3. first synonyms words