Effective Spell Checking Methods Using Clustering Algorithms

Effective Spell Checking Methods Using Clustering Algorithms

These phenomena generate a wide range of different spelling possibilities that a spell checker should be trained to recognize. The second function of spell 

Why Microsoft Arabic Spell checker is ineffective Alexis Amid Neme

First word list projects are dedicated to spell checkers; while with lexicon-based project


That is why the Tansa Text Proofing System was created. Unlike any other spell-checker you've ever worked with Tansa proof- reads your content by looking at 
Tansa brochure web

Chunk-based Chinese Spelling Check with Global Optimization

On the other hand pipeline-style architectures are widely adopted to deal with different types of spelling errors in individual modules
.findings emnlp.

Package 'spelling'

Description Spell checking common document formats including latex markdown

PHMOSpell: Phonological and Morphological Knowledge Guided

1 août 2021 Chinese Spelling Check (CSC) is a challeng- ing task due to the complex characteristics ... preliminary component for other downstream tasks.
.acl long.

Spell Checking for Chinese

Chinese spelling errors are quite different from English ones too. In theory

Chinese Spelling Check based on Neural Machine Translation

character of the two typos should be “詣”. Chinese spelling errors often stem from two main reasons: one is similar sound (e.g. *藝 and 詣) and the other.


or other context helping a user to ensure correct spelling. A spell checker may be implemented as a stand-alone application capable of operating on a block 

  1. different spelling check
  2. different spelling checker
  3. alternate spelling check
  4. other language spell check
  5. another word for spelling checker
  6. other term of spelling checker