
Base year recalculation methodologies for structural changes

in other words comparisons of like with like over time. that are used for a direct comparison over time. ... option
Base Year Adjustments

A glossary of terms used in payments and settlement systems

different implications depending on the context of their use. For example “marking to fixed price of an asset and its prevailing market price is.

Using outreg2 to report regression output descriptive statistics

You can add other model (using variable x2) by using the option append For older versions of outreg2 you may need to specify the option word or excel ...

JUDGMENT Arnold (Respondent) v Britton and others (Appellants)

10 Jun 2015 first year of the term a fixed sum of £90 per annum and for each ensuing year a ... In other words
uksc judgment


Since we all know how to employ the word and we understand it in other peoples' thought that identity is] a kind of fixed point of thought and being ...
What is Identity as we now use the word

Guidance on the use of Fixed Penalty Notices for Environmental

and severity those responsible for all other incidents of fly-tipping should be prosecuted. • Fixed penalties for waste receptacle offences should be used 
guidance on the use of fixed penalty notices for environmental offences

The selection and use of flammable gas detectors

Fixed gas detectors can be point detectors or open-path detectors. Type of sensor. 12 There are a number of different types of sensors used for gas detection.

Comparative analysis of fixed-vocabulary communication

and comparison of other strategies. Fixed-vocabulary letter-based word prediction techniques frequently-used words were substantially different.

Markets Committee Electronic trading in fixed income markets

15 Jan 2016 rise of electronic trading has enabled a greater use of automated trading (including algorithmic and high-frequency ... In other words end.

Glossary of LGBTQ+ and Gender Terms

Disclosure: A word that some people use to describe the act or process of revealing one's transgender or gender-expansive identity to another person in a 

  1. another word used for fixed
  2. another word used for fix up
  3. words used for fixed