Alberta Health Services

Words Matter - Guidelines on Using Inclusive Language in the

18.05.2018 Becoming conscious of how language impacts others can help prevent feelings of exclusion and discomfort in the workplace.
words matter

Proofreading and Editing Symbols O

Spelling mistakes can prevent others from seeing your great ideas in print. This chapter will words below and circle the correct spelling of each word.
proofreading and editing

1 immediately self-corrected (meaning corrected before moving on

words that begin with another letter of the alphabet the examiner repeats the target letter if the instructions have not yet been repeated.
MOCA . . . English


more during word processing emailing

Words Matter: Suicide Language Guide

just about being politically correct. It's about saving lives. rules below can help you choose your words more carefully.
words matter suicide language guide

Alberta Health Services

an individual's gender history many transgender people prefer a phrase similar to “… assigned male/female at birth but is a woman/man”.
if pf div terms and phrases to avoid

Spelling Correction and the Noisy Channel

2 Noisy channel model for spelling correction for unknown words. finding words that have a similar spelling to the input word. Analysis of spelling error data 


29.09.2004 BGN and the GNIS is updated as names are "corrected" to include the special marks

Final Report Guidelines on corrections to modified duration for debt

11.10.2016 In other words it would only have to introduce a correction if the counterparty has the possibility of paying a bond.
Final report on Guidelines on corrections to modified duration for debt instruments (EBA GL )

Correct use of Compound Words

Words that are made up of more than one word are called compound words. Some words such as rowboat or heartbeat are written as one word
correct use of compound words

  1. other words for correct answer
  2. other words for fixed
  3. other words for fixed mindset
  4. other words for fixed asset
  5. alternative words for corrected
  6. different words for corrected
  7. other names for corrected
  8. other words for correct me if i'm wrong