The Distinctive Constitution of Feeling Hurt: A Review and a

28 sept. 2018 and integrating theories and empirical findings on feeling hurt using Lazarus' theory of ... hurt' as it is true for other emotion words

What's so Wrong with "In My Opinion"?

More and more I have come to feel that this kind of response avoids the central issues. because that's not how it's done

The Ethics of Guilt

to that wrong e.g.

Mill on Moral Wrong

the word "sentiment" in a slightly different sense to refer to a com- tend to arouse stronger feelings than other moral wrongs. Such a ...

Rights Wrongs


It's Okay to Be Angry: A Functionalist Perspective of the Dangers of

Recently the view that anger is bad

Victim Entitlement to Behave Selfishly


Stop Telling Me What to Feel! A Clinical Theory of Emotions and

part 3)— from which she deviates in virtue of failing to feel anger. In other words although Srinivasan is clear that the woman does nothing wrong

Communal Coping following Relational Transgressions

In other words network members that perceived the coping process as more of “our problem” and “our responsibility” reported feeling more hurt and anger than 


shake the nagging feeling that 'perhaps they are wrong.' • In both “just right” and other kinds of OCD doing the compulsion reduces anxiety
Just right OCD Fact Sheet

  1. other words for feeling hurt
  2. word for feeling wronged