When to Self-Correct Spelling Words: A Systematic Replication

self-correction after attempting a list of 10 words by six fifth-graders with learning synonyms and word traditional spelling.

The Preference for Self-Correction in the Organization of Repair in

central theme of our paper) self-correction and other-correction are which can occur if an item (e.g. a word) is not available to a speaker when 'due'

Effects of Self-Correction on the Spelling Performance of Junior High

20 words at the end of the week During Self-Correction students received 20 words on a 5-column sheet skills other than specific spelling orthography.

Effects of Self-Correction on the Acquisition Maintenance

the preference for self-correction in the organization of repair in

central theme of our paper) self-correction and other-correction are which can occur if an item (e.g. a word) is not available to a speaker when 'due'
scheSacksJeff repair

Self-Correcting Dynamics in Social Influence Processes1

30 avr. 2019 In other words social influence bias was min- imal even after an extreme social information advantage
Self Correcting Dynamics in Social Influence Processes

The Effects of Self-Correction Versus Traditional Spelling on the

KEY WORDS: spelling; self-correction; direct instruction; academics; Other error correction spelling methods have focused on teacher de-.

When to Self-Correct?: A Comparison of Two Procedures on

for the other half of the list the students self-corrected after attempting all 10 words. An alternating treatments design showed self-correction after 

The Influence of Immediate Teacher Correction on Self-Corrections

of words (accuracy) and self-correction of miscues during oral reading were influenced by No other instruction occurred and other conditions were kept.


that self-correction can help students' speakingin their learning since it is a In other words fluency is the reason of learners' success in learning.
Marizka Bariyyatul Indah Meutia, , FTK, PBI,

  1. another word for self regulating
  2. another word for self correcting
  3. other terms for self correction
  4. other words for auto-correct
  5. other term for self-regulating
  6. another word for self adjusting
  7. another word for self-regulating process
  8. similar word for self-regulating