Optimal landing position in reading isolated words and continuous text

Word properties of a fixated region affect outgoing saccade length in

8 dic. 2012 the critical region was longer in the one-word condition than the two-word condition ... other fixation on the same word is not necessary.

Lexical complexity and fixation times in reading: Effects of word

In Experiment 1 mean fixation time on infrequent words was longer than on their more These other factors include the minimal oculomotor.

Oculomotor inhibition of return in normal and mindless reading

2 oct. 2012 were longer than those to other words consistent with. O-IOR. Furthermore

Visual attention in reading: Eye movements reflect cognitive processes

the sentence received more visual attention than other key grammatical elements within a sentence. is as likely to fixate on unimportant function words.

The Loss of Associative Power in Words after Long Fixation

gested by fragments of the visual word which assumed special prominence; in other cases foreign language sound associations appeared. At instants during the 

Effects of contextual constraint on eye movements in reading: A

on a word prior to movement to another word) and the total fixation time (the sum ofall fixations on a word

Optimal landing position in reading isolated words and continuous text

word; when a fixation is the only one in a word its dura- tion may be different than when it is followed by other fixations within the word

The economics of nitrogen fixation

1 ene. 2001 vides other benefits than just fixed nitrogen. These include usually over more than one year: • long term slow-release of fixed nitrogen ...


lending rates for loans with different periods of initial rate fixation affect the relative share of these loans in total new monetary financial institution 
ecb~ddca f e.fsrbox

ICTIR 2017_camera_ready_preprint

term-mouse-fixations from queries and viewed documents were found. These terms were fixated significantly longer with about. 7 seconds than other terms with 

  1. other words for fixation
  2. another word for fixated
  3. better word than fixated
  4. another word than fixated
  5. other words than obsessed
  6. different words for fixated
  7. better words for fixated
  8. another word for fixated in english