Estimates of Fixed Reproducible Tangible Assets in the Republic of

Using a fixed threshold in ultrasonic distance-ranging automotive

other words the SPL loss is proportional to x. A factor of 2 is used because the sound waves travel twice between the transducer and the.

Cur. Sav. A-C&Fixed Dep. Terms Cover Jan2018

account fixed deposit and savings account products. existing current account
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Comparing Fixed- and Floating-Point DSPs

The second word width is that of the coefficients used in multiplications. While fixed-point coefficients are 16 bits the same as the signal data in C62x DSPs

Comparative analysis of fixed-vocabulary communication

Fixed-vocabulary letter-based word prediction techniques Fixed-Vocabulary Acceleration ... frequently-used words were substantially different.

Current/Cheque/Savings Account and Fixed Deposit Terms

The meaning of key words printed like this and other words used in our banking agreement is explained in our. Customer Terms. Some additional key words which 
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Current/Cheque Account Savings Account

Using outreg2 to report regression output descriptive statistics

You can add other model (using variable x2) by using the option append For older versions of outreg2 you may need to specify the option word or excel ...

The use of fixed effects when estimating for individual Local

In other words it gives qualitative information suggesting the fixed effects model may perform better. Testing the significance of the Fixed Effects.
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Fixed Effects Models (very important stuff)

other words the regression probably suffers from endogeneity bias in the form of omitted Using econometrics parlance
Fixed Effects Models

Estimates of Fixed Reproducible Tangible Assets in the Republic of

In other words for c certain asset to be defined as capital

  1. another word used for fixed
  2. another word used for fix up
  3. word used for fixed