Opinions Your Opinions on Environmental Problems -Free text

Climate change and food security: risks and responses

indicate that climate change will also increase crop yield variability in many regions. Potential impacts on other crops than major cereals have been less 

Opinions Your Opinions on Environmental Problems -Free text

Climate change is headed towards severe problems (flooding and other Too many people most of them consuming resources at an alarming rate
Comments w

December 2019

Dec 3 2019 ide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

Climate change natural disasters and human displacement: a

Aug 14 2009 human displacement and mobility has received too little attention.”2 ... It is projected that climate change will over.
e a

"Climate Change and its Particular Impact on Developing Countries

Without serious adaptation climate change is likely to push millions are many complaints from developing countries that it is too difficult to get ...

Europeans' attitudes towards climate change Report

emissions by at least 20% (or 30% if other main international actors take on climate change” is not a very serious issue reach their highest levels in ...
ebs en

Poverty and Climate Change

should take the lead in combating climate change and its adverse effects. people and will pose a real threat to food security in many countries in ...

Environmental impacts of tourism

process that may already be occurring. Global tourism is closely linked to climate change. Tourism involves the movement of people from their homes to other 

Opinions Your Opinions on Environmental Problems -Free text

There are too many people living on a fragile planet. Climate change is headed towards severe problems (flooding and other environmental problems) ...
Comments e

Harrogate district climate change coalition resident survey

It doesn't seem to matter how much people warn us about climate change the It's getting worse and governments around the world are not doing enough to ...