SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 6 Table A: Sensitivity analysis

Outcomes of Small for Gestational Age Infants Born at <27 Weeks

Outcomes of Small for Gestational Age Infants Born at <27 Weeks' Gestation. Lilia C. De Jesus MD1

Outcome of Small-for-Gestational Age and Appropriate-for

Age Infants Born Before 27 Weeks of Gestation. Claudette Bardin PhD

Mortality and severe morbidity of very preterm infants: comparison of

24 janv. 2020 Outcomes of infants born at. 22-27 weeks' gestation in Victoria according to outborn/inborn birth status. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2017 ...

Impact des événements périnatals à court et moyen termes


Neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 years for preterm children born at

16 août 2017 corrected age for children born alive at 22-26 27-31
bmj.j .full

SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 6 Table A: Sensitivity analysis

of prematurity; SGA: small for gestational age; uOR: unadjusted odds ratio Gestational Age Infants at 22 to 29 Weeks' Gestation. Pediatrics 2018;141(2).
inline supplementary material ?download=true

A co-twin study of the relative effect of birth weight and gestational

26 août 2011 effects of prematurity and intrauterine growth on ROP could be evaluated. ... and smaller infant groups gestational age of o28 weeks was ...
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Between-Hospital Variation in Treatment and Outcomes in

7 mai 2015 born before 27 weeks of gestation without congenital anomalies. Active treatment ... to be small for gestational age and to have 1-min-.

Effects of Thyroxine Supplementation on Neurologic Development in

2 janv. 1997 rologic outcome significantly different. In thyroxine- treated infants born at gestational ages of less than. 27 weeks the score on the ...

Extreme Premature Small for Gestational Age Infants Have

25 juin 2018 Extremely premature small for gestational age infants born less than 28 week's gestation have appropriate catch-up growth by the time.

  1. outcomes of small for gestational age infants born at 27 weeks' gestation